International ExamsTOEFL iBT testing center (TC) contacts in Ukraine: TC-STN11003A TC name-Kiev Medical University TC address: 7, Antona Tsedika Street (вулиця Антона Цедіка,7), 03057, UKRAINE, First Floor, computer lab/testing room Directions: Test center is located seven minutes foot walk from subway station «SHULYAVKA». Telephone: +38 (066) 760-75-25. Email:, EXAMINEES SHOULD REFER TO THE FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTACTS TOEFL Website: Examinees should visit the TOEFL website for the latest information about policies, score reports, refunds, registration bulletins, practice test materials, and online registration. TOEFL Services: Phone: 1-877-863-3546 — from the United States, Canada, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, US. Virgin Islands. 1-609-771-7100 from all other locations. Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-8:00 pm, New York time. E-mail: Include name, address, date of birth, test date, registration number. Allow approximately 3 to 5 business days for a response. Questions About ID Documents For general questions about acceptable ID, call TOEFL Services at: 1-609-771-7100 Mail: TOEFL Services TOEFL iBT Scoring and Test Structure Your TOEFL iBT scores will provide accurate information about your ability to participate and succeed in academic studies in an English-speaking environment. The TOEFL iBT will test English language skills in four areas, and your TOEFL score report will contain five scores: one total score on a scale of 0 to 120, and four skill scores, each on a scale of 0 to 30.
Your scores will be available online 15 business days after you take the TOEFL test. You will be able to view them for free (aswill the schools you chose to receive your scores). You’ll also be mailed a paper copy of your score report 15 business days after your test date. Due to the gradual phasing in of the TOEFL iBT, if you take the computer-based (CBT) or paper-based TOEFL (PBT), your scores will be valid for two years after the date you take your TOEFL test. For a while, anyone who has taken more than one form of the test will receive a TOEFL score report with two or three sets of scores reported on the three different score scales. Scores for the new Internet-based test will appear as TOEFL iBT to distinguish them from the CBT and PBT scores. TOEFL iBT Test Structure Listening
Depending on your previous experiences with English and your comfort level in each of the four language skills areas, you may want to focus your TOEFL preparation so it address any areas of weakness. On the Testing Day You should report 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. ID Document Requirements
With few exceptions, ID documents must meet all of the following requirements. Each ID document must:
All test takers are responsible for bringing valid and acceptable identification each time they report to a test center. It is your responsibility to ensure that your ID documents are up-to-date and available on the day of the test. ID Document Requirements With few exceptions, ID documents must meet all of the following requirements. Each ID document must:
Acceptable Primary ID Documents The following ID documents are acceptable for admission to a test center within your country of citizenship:
Unacceptable ID Documents The following documents are not acceptable as primary or supplemental ID under any circumstances:
Supplemental ID Documents
The following ID documents are generally acceptable as supplemental ID:
Testing Outside Your Country of Citizenship
Prohibited Items List On the Test Day
Non-Prohibited Items on the Test Day
We wish you the best of luck on your TOEFL iBT! 15.11.2019
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