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Our international students are invited to the screening of one of the best films of the year!

At the end of a busy school week, you need to spend some free time with fun and interest. We invite you to “Evening Cinema at Home”: one of the best films of the year, “The White Tiger”, is to be screened. (Information about the film: “The White Tiger” is a joint production of India and the United States, nominated for an Oscar in 2021. It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Aravind Adiga. The protagonist, Balram, was forced to drop out of school, but he did not give up the dream of becoming rich and freeing himself from the humiliation of the upper classes. He uses his wits and cunning to break out of poverty and climb to the top).

The screening will take place on Friday, April 23rd, at 19:00, in the lecture hall of our dormitory (124, Horlivska St.)

Hurry! The number of places is limited due to the quarantine!


ПОДІЇ | Всі Події
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