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Preparatory faculty of Kyiv Medical University

The basic activity of preparatory faculty of Kyiv Medical University lies in teaching foreign citizens Ukrainian (Russian) language and disciplines of a general course in accordance with the chosen section (medical biological, technical, humanitarian). The main section of the study is medical biologic one.

The preparatory faculty enrolls foreign citizens and stateless persons with secondary education who have got proper and on time executed documents that have been legalized.

In case of successful study and completing of final exams graduates receive the State-recognized document (Certificate) that gives them a right to continue study in any institutions of higher education.

The form of education is full-time. The duration of study makes 10 months. Terms of enrollment are unlimited.

Classes start on the 1st of November. Groups are formed out of 8-10 students who study during the 5 work days (for the late enrolled groups – 6 days).

During the first two months of the I-st semester students receive an intensive language course. Besides Ukrainian (Russian) language there are other disciplines, such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. In the II-nd semester Computer Science and Regional History are added. The language of study (English, Ukrainian, or Russian) is chosen by the student.

Presently on preparatory faculty there are more than 50  international citizens studying from about 20 countries, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan etc.

Having obtained a strong language and general course preparation, the graduates of preparatory faculty, as a rule, prove better results in further study in any institutions of higher education.

During the year apart from the main study, students get practically acquainted with Ukraine and its traditions in the warm creative atmosphere formed by the faculty team and highly-qualified teachers who have a specialized education and high experience in working with foreign citizens at the primary stages of their training.

Details of the learning process can be found in attachment.

Welcome to the Preparatory Faculty of Kyiv Medical University!

We are waiting for you!

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