Medical care and vaccination for students of KMUHOW AND WHERE IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET MEDICAL SERVICES AND VACCINATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSAccording Ukrainian legislation, a foreign citizen has the right to stay on the territory of Ukraine only with the medical insurance policy. Moreover, all international students have a right to get vaccinated. In the case of worsened health condition, you should call to the contact center of the YOUR insurance company (phone number can be found in your medical insurance policy) and provide the company with the following information: For vaccination, please do the following steps: Step 1. Go to State Tax Inspectorate of Darnitsky District (if you are registered in Darnytskyi district*) to get a Taxpayer Code. You must take with you Passport, Posvidka, Certificate of registration residence and copies of all these documents. Please approach the moderator of the service desk and follow instructions. Step 2. After getting a Taxpayer code, you have to go to Polyclinic №2 of Darnitsky district (if you are registered in Darnytskyi district*) to get COVID-19 vaccine. Please approach the reception of the Polyclinic and inform that you are willing to get a COVID-19 vaccine. * If you are not registered in Darnytskyi district, please approach the dean’s office in person to get information regarding the Taxpayer office and Polyclinic in your district. We are always here to help! In case of any additional questions regarding vaccination please feel free to contact Dean’s Office (+38 (050) 525-75-55) Moreover, There are many KMU students who already got vaccinations. To get more information please contact our Support Team: To receive emergency medical care, the student must contact a specialized emergency medical team. To receive outpatient care, a student can apply to any health care facility covered a health insurance policy. Students who have an agreement with a partner of Kyiv Medical University, the «MSK» Medical Center, can apply to: P.S.: You can fill out the form below via your corporate Gmail account that you’ve got from University. 05.01.2022
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