Department of Pediatrics

Shevchenko Tetiana A, Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor.

In 2006 she graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

During 2006-2008 she studied in the internship in the specialty “Pediatrics”. During this period she she received her master’s degree  in the same specialty and graduated with honors in 2008.

During 2008-2010 she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics № 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

During 2011-2017 she studied in full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Pediatrics № 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

In 2019 she defended her dissertation a Candidate of Medical Sciences degree on “Effeciency of correction of oxidative stress in children of type 1 diabetes patients” and received the scientific degree of a candidate of medical sciences.

In 2017-2023 she worked at the Department of Pediatrics № 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. She was responsible for medical work at the Department of Pediatrics № 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

Since September 2023 she has been working as the Head of the Department of Pediatrics of Kyiv Medical University.

She has 30 published scientific and educational and methodological works, including 5 articles in leading foreign editions, which are included in the Scopus and Web of Science science databases, a patent for an invention of Ukraine, two information letters about innovations in the field of healthcare in Ukraine.

Work experience: professional experience in “Pediatrics” – 17 years, teaching experience – 12 years.

Scientific and practical interests are pediatrics, ultrasound diagnostics

  • Tetiana Antonivna Shevchenko – PhD, Associate Professor
    • In 2006, she graduated from the Medical Faculty No. 3 of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets
    • In 2008, she graduated with honors from her master’s degree and received a master’s degree in “Pediatrics”.
    • In 2010, she completed clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics No. 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University, later she studied in full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Pediatrics No. 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University (2011-2017).
    • Since 2017, she has worked as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics No. 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
    • In 2019, she defended her dissertation work for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences (PhD) on the topic “Effectiveness of correction of oxidative stress in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus” and received the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences.
    • In 2024, she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics.

    Shevchenko T.A. has 30 published works (4 of them in Scopus), including 1 study guide, a patent for an invention of Ukraine, two information letters about innovations in the field of healthcare in Ukraine.

    Work experience: in the specialty “Pediatrics” is 18 years, teaching experience – 14 years. The doctor of “Ultrasound diagnostics” has a second medical specialization

    Since September 2023, he has been working as the head of the Department of Pediatrics at Kyiv Medical University.

  • Zlobynets Antonina Sergiyivna – PhD, Associate Professor
    • In 2003, she graduated from the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine with a degree in “Medical Practice”. In 2005, she received a master’s degree in “Pediatrics” from the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine. She defended her candidate’s thesis in 2021 on the topic of the thesis “Features of the combined course of chronic gastroduodenitis and primary arterial hypertension in school-age children and approaches to therapy”.
    • S. Zlobynets is the author of 22 scientific publications, including 2 articles in publications included in the Scopus scientometric databases. She actively participates in the preparation for accreditation of educational programs in pediatrics, international internships and scientific and practical conferences, and constantly improves her professional and pedagogical qualifications.
    • In 2024, she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics.
    • Deputy Head of the department since 2013 responsible for conducting classes on propaedeutics of pediatrics for 3rd year students and pediatrics for 4th year students in Ukrainian
  • Hrynevych Inna Volodymyrivna 
    • PhD, associate professor, responsible for conducting pediatrics classes in Ukrainian for 6th-year students of the medical faculty, conducting classes in English for 4th and 6th-year students of the international faculty.
    • Responsible for preparing students for the STEP-2.
  • Kyzyma Natalia Volodymyrivna 
    • PhD, associate professor, responsible for conducting classes on pediatrics and children’s infectious diseases in English for students of the 5th and 6th year of the international faculty.
  • Kachalova Olha Serhiyivna –  PhD, Associate Professor

    Graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute in 1981. From 1981-1983, she completed a clinical residency at the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Gynecology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. From 1983 to 1994, she worked as a neonatologist in the Department of Physiology and Pathology of Newborns and Premature Infants at the same institute. In 1985-1989, she studied in a part-time postgraduate program at the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Gynecology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. In 1988, she defended her PhD dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and immunological adaptation of newborns born to mothers with rheumatism.” Since 1994, she has worked as an assistant, and since 2001 – as an associate professor at the Department of Pediatrics No. 4 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. Scientific and clinical interests: neonatology, problems of infant feeding, diseases of early childhood.

    She has 60 scientific publications. The results of scientific developments are actively implemented in the educational process. Member of the Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine. Experience in the specialty – 44 years, pedagogical experience – 31 years. Board-certified pediatrician.

    Responsible for the internship in the specialty “Pediatrics”.

    Head of the scientific club of the Department of Pediatrics.

The department teaches the following educational components of the EPP 222 “Medicine”:

Mandatory educational components of the EPP, professional training:

– Propaedeutics of pediatrics (lasts 5.6 semesters in the 3rd year of study)

– Pediatrics (lasts 7-12 semesters in the 4th-6th years of study)

– Children’s infectious diseases (lasts 10.11 semesters in the 5th and 6th years of study)

Mandatory educational components of the EPP, practical training:

– Care for patients on the basis of the pediatric department inpatient unit (4th semester, 2nd year of study)

– Nursing practice and basic medical skills on the basis of the pediatric department inpatient unit (6th semester, 3rd year of study)

– Industrial medical practice in the pediatric department of the hospital (8th semester, 4th year of study)

– Industrial medical practice in the pediatric department of the primary health care center (10th semester, 5th year of study)

– Pre-diploma practical training (including preparation for OSP(K)I. Pediatrics (12th semester, 6th year of study)

Selective components of the EPP:

– Communication skills in the work of a pediatrician

– Clinical examination of a child of different ages

– Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods in pediatrics

– Pediatric parasitology

– Emergency conditions in childhood

The following educational components of the EPP 221 “Dentistry” are taught at the department:

Mandatory educational components of the EPP, clinical sciences:

– Pediatrics (7th semester, 4th year of study)

Educational components are taught to Ukrainian-speaking and English-speaking higher education applicants. Practical classes, lectures, educational practice and industrial medical practice are conducted.

The department staff of the Department of Pediatrics creates a favorable environment for learning and development. Our teachers are experienced specialists who constantly improve their qualifications by attending conferences, courses and trainings. Thanks to this, students have the opportunity to master modern knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activity. To ensure a high-quality educational process, the department is developing new educational and methodological materials for practical classes and lectures in accordance with the educational and professional program 222 “Medicine” and 221 “Dentistry”. Interactive teaching methods are being introduced.

The topic of the research work “Coronavirus disease in children. Diagnosis, treatment, prevention” is nearing completion. The aim of the work was a comprehensive study of the features of the course of COVID-19 in the pediatric population hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of Kyiv. The results obtained allowed us to analyze in detail the clinical manifestations of the disease in different age groups and compare them with domestic and international data. This contributed to the clarification of diagnostic criteria and the development of effective strategies for the treatment of COVID-19 in children.

Results of the research work:

  1. When reviewing the literature, it was found that there are features of the course of coronavirus infection in children, unlike adults.
  2. When examining the results of chest X-rays, we found that distinctive signs of “ground glass” and consolidation were not recorded in children with interstitial pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 when compared with the results of chest X-rays of adult patients with the same diagnosis. Most patients had inflammatory phenomena of the oropharynx. The minimum recorded SpO2 was 94% in children under 3 years of age. According to our own studies, anosmia and augesia are not the leading symptoms of COVID-19 in children and occur in 19% of cases of the disease in children aged 10 to 17 years. Laboratory COVID-19 in children is more often accompanied by neutrophilic leukocytosis than lymphopenia and increased CRP. There are also isolated cases of increased levels of transaminases and D-dimer in the blood. In children, the disease is more often mild or moderate in severity. The children we examined had intoxication and asthenovegetative syndromes two weeks after recovery.
  3. The results were published in the proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “Current Problems in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry”, December 17-18, 2020 (Arad, Romania).
  4. Особливості перебігу Covid-19 у дітей м. Києва. Матеріали XXІ науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Сучасні виклики науки ХХІ століття», Харків, 15.02.2021р.
  5. Sergiy Kramarov, Iryna Seriakova, Vitalii Yevtushenko, Liudmyla Palatna, Iryna Shpak, Valerii Shadri, Nataliia Kyrytsia, Mariia Dudnikova, Hanna Zaslavska and Inna Grynevych “Hepatobiliary System Lesions in Children with COVID-19. Literature Review and Own Observations”. EC Paediatrics 11.7 (2022): 97-110. (Web of Science).
  6. Sergiy Kramarov, Iryna Seriakova, Vitalii Yevtushenko, Oleksandr Voronov, Oleksandra Buts, Hanna Zaslavska, Inna Grynevych and Natalia Kyzyma. Structure of Neurological Complications in Children with Covid-19: A Mini-Review and Own Experience. Res Pediatr Neonatol. 6(5). RPN. 000646. 2022. DOI: 10.31031/RPN.2022.06.000646 (Web of Science Google Scholar).
  7. ПВНЗ КМУ Польський Кампус підготував конференцію «Міжнародна медична співпраця України та Польщі WIN-WIN технології», яка пройшла у м. Катовіце, Польща. У цій конференції приймали участь завідувач кафедри Шевченто Т.А та доцент кафедри Гриневич І.В., жовтень 2023р
  8. Seriakova, I., Kramarov , S. ., Yevtushenko , V. ., Kyrytsia , N. ., Shadrin , V., Voronov , O., … Zlobynets, A. (2024). Neuron-specific enolase level research in children with COVID-19. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 23(2), 388–397.

Printed works of the department’s staff.

The Department of Pediatrics is beginning a new stage of scientific research, the purpose of which will be:

Deepening the understanding of the causes of children’s diseases.

Development of new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Creation of effective prevention programs.

Improving the quality of life of children and their families.

A new topic of research work of the department is actively being developed in the following areas:

Child nutrition: studying the impact of diet on the physical and mental development of a child, the prevalence of food allergies and food intolerances, developing recommendations for balanced nutrition in different periods of childhood.

Allergic diseases: analysis of the causes of the increase in allergic diseases in the child population, developing strategies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Endocrine pathology: studying disorders of the endocrine system in children, studying new methods of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases.

Hereditary diseases: studying the genetic causes of hereditary diseases in children, screening programs and early diagnosis.

Deficiency states: studying the prevalence of vitamin, mineral and other nutrient deficiencies in children with various pathologies, developing recommendations for correcting their level and monitoring in dynamics.

The department conducts medical work in medical institutions of the city. The main bases of the department are Children’s Clinical Hospital №5, Children’s Clinical Hospital №6.

In 1992, Valery Volodymyrovych created the Kyiv Medical University, whose work was based on the need to introduce the most effective, scientifically sound methods and means of folk and alternative medicine to the complex therapy of diseases in the system of medical institutions of Ukraine. The implementation of this concept was reflected in the functioning and development of a new type of higher medical educational institution, the training of whose students today is a combination of the principles of classical and folk and alternative medicine, which V.V. Pokanevych dreamed of. In 1994, the Department of Pediatric Diseases was organized, headed by Petro Stepanovych Moshchych – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, the New York Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, the awards of St. Volodymyr and Yaroslav the Wise, honorary titles of European institutions, the Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences. The Department was located on the bases of Children’s Clinical Hospitals No. 5 and No. 8 of the city of Kyiv. The department taught such disciplines as pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases to students of the medical and dental faculties. A scientific student group worked. Under the leadership of Moshchych P.S., the department considered the problems of heart disease in childhood and pathology of the neonatal period. Later, the department was headed by: Marushko Yuriy Volodymyrovych, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (2005-2008). Author of more than 800 scientific papers, co-author of 13 monographs, 7 textbooks, 66 teaching aids, 13 methodological recommendations, 12 industry innovations. The priority of the research performed is confirmed by 51 author’s certificates and patents of Ukraine. Yuriy Volodymyrovych Marushko successfully trained highly qualified personnel in pediatrics. Professor Marushko Yu.V. continued to study the problems of pediatric cardiology, paid attention to emergency conditions in pediatrics, morbidity of young children. From 2009 to 2013, the department was headed by Pisotskaya Stalina Artemivna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. At this time, the department worked on improving methodological developments in the disciplines taught at the department. From 2014 to 2015, the department was headed by Platonova Elena Mikhailovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. Under the leadership of Platonova O.M., the department organized an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the problems of childhood health. The next head of the department was Samarin Dmytro Viktorovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. From 2017 to 2023, the Department of Pediatric Diseases was headed by Zaslavskaya Anna Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 2021, the Academic Council of the university approved a new name for the department – the Department of Pediatrics. During this period, the department organized an all-Ukrainian student Olympiad, in which students from various higher medical universities of Ukraine participated. The department holds various events with students to improve the level of knowledge and consolidate the material, in particular, business clinical games, brain ring, cognitive and interesting lectures for children in schools with the participation of senior students. During this period, the department studied the issues of infectious diseases in children, the problems of immunization of the child population, and attention was also paid to the issues of pediatric parasitology. The Department of Pediatrics has graduated about ten Masters of Medical Sciences, more than 50 pediatrician interns.

Since 2023, the Department of Pediatrics has been headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Shevchenko Tetyana Antonivna. Currently, 5 associate professors, candidates of medical sciences work at the department. Active work is underway to popularize the specialty of pediatrics among students of the medical faculty. For in-depth study of pediatrics, the department has created selective educational components: Communication skills in the work of a pediatrician, Clinical examination of a child of different ages, Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods in pediatrics, Emergency conditions in childhood. The scientific club of the pediatrics department continues to work and develop, to which students who are interested in pediatrics and working with young patients are invited. Currently, the scientific club of the pediatrics department is visited by about 20 students of different courses. In recent years, despite all the difficulties, our students have been actively participating in the scientific activities of the department. The pediatrics department examines the problems of feeding children of the first year of life, allergic diseases of childhood, hereditary diseases, metabolic disorders, and endocrine pathologies. The results of the students’ scientific work were presented at the scientific and practical conference with international participation “IRIP-2024: International Platform of Integrative Pediatrics” in memory of the outstanding pediatrician, academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Vitaliy Hryhorovych Maidannik” on April 17-18, 2024, the scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Medicine in Wartime” on the Day of Science in Ukraine, Kyiv Medical University, Kyiv, May 16, 2024.

The staff of the department constantly improve their professional qualifications. They attend international conferences abroad (“International Medical Cooperation of Ukraine and Poland: Win – Win Technologies”, 10/27/2023 in Katowice, Poland; international scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Innovative Horizons in Medicine and Technology: Views of Young Scientists” 12/13/2024 in the Polish Campus of the Ukrainian State University of Medicine, Katowice). On November 20, 2024, the Department of Pediatrics organized a scientific and practical conference of young scientists for World Children’s Day and International Pediatrician’s Day: “Rare Cases in Pediatrics”, in which students, members of the scientific club of the Department of Pediatrics and intern pediatricians of the Kyiv Medical University, as well as students of the SEC “Institute of Biology and Medicine”, KNU named Taras Shevchenko, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, and the Bogomolets National Medical University. Currently, the Department of Pediatrics is located on the basis of the municipal non-profit enterprise “Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 5”, Kyiv and the municipal non-profit enterprise “Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 5”, Kyiv.

Head of the Department
Shevchenko Tetiana
Contact information
Address:Yuriia Illienka St, 18; Akademika Vernads'koho Blvd, 53, Kyiv
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