What are the requirements for admission?
For a Master’s degree, you have to have a diploma of secondary education (school leaving certificate or corresponding document from your country legalized in Ukraine). For more information, please refer to “Admission Requirements” section.
How should I prepare to study in Ukraine?
We recommend you to prepare for your departure very carefully and as early as possible. It is often difficult and time-consuming to complete all formalities and prepare the necessary papers.
Before you leave:
Get Ukrainian visa (type D13 or “student visa”). Contact the closest Embassy or Consulate of Ukraine in your country for more information;
Make sure you take all important documents with you! Your high school certificate/diploma needs to be legalized according to Ukrainian legislation (legalization stamp or Apostille). Contact the closest Embassy or Consulate of Ukraine in your country for this issue.
Can I transfer to Kyiv Medical University?
Transfer from other universities to Kyiv Medical University is possible if program that you are studying right now and the study program which you would like to enroll to at Kyiv Medical University do not differ by more than 20 ECTS credits. Faculties of Kyiv Medical University can set additional requirements for transfer. Please contact International Faculty for detailed information (k.kachan@kmu.edu.ua).
Can I bring my husband/wife/ or other family members?
Student is granted individual D13 Visa ONLY. Your spouse and other family members may always apply for a tourist visa and visit you during your studies.
How can I get an invitation for study at KMU?
There are two admission sessions in 2022. The winter one lasts from 10th January till 1st March, while the summer one, from 15th July and till 1st November. NOTE. Because of COVID-19 Pandemic in 2022 the Admission session period may be changed. Please contact the International Faculty (k.kachan@kmu.edu.ua) to find out the exact period for this year.
The University announces admission for such major faculties as General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy in Ukrainian and in English medium.
Applying Procedure
In order apply for an Invitation Letter, an applicant should submit the scanned copies of the following documents to the KMU International Faculty by e-mail ( i.doroshenko@kmu.edu.ua):
• First page of the Passport;
• School Certificate with Academic Records of all subjects;
• Consent of personal data collection and processing ;
• Application;
• National Eligibility Entrance Test result (for Indian nationals only).
After examination of applicant’s documents the University makes the decision regarding the issuance of an Invitation Letter.
How can I get student’s visa to Ukraine?
As an international student, you will need a visa to study in Ukraine.
When an applicant receives an Invitation Letter from the University, he/she should apply for visa type “D13”.
After obtaining a visa in the Embassy or Consular of Ukraine in the country of applicant’s residence, it is time to go to Ukraine.

Do I have to take the entrance exams?
All candidates who are to be admitted into the 1st year of the programme have to take the entrance exams – chemistry and English test.
What is the language of training?
All study programs are taught majorly in English Language, and then in Ukrainian Language.
Will someone meet me at the Airport?
There are two international airports in Kyiv – Boryspil International Airport and Kyiv Zhulyany Airport. First one is the most popular and located about 25 km from the city center (30 minutes by shuttle train). In case if you are afraid of being in a new place, you can send a request to us and we will pick you up at the airport and take you to the dormitory! The University will be offering pick-up and greet service for new students arriving at the Airport in the summer. The University representatives, along with International Student Ambassadors will be on hand to assist you and to give you a warm welcome on your arrival to Ukraine. The Airport pick-up service costs 80 USD.
Staff and Student Ambassadors will be waiting at each terminal to ‘meet and greet’ you. Please look out for the Kyiv Medical University signs when you arrive.

Do you have student housing?
Kyiv Medical University has student housing in two locations:
– 02019, Kyiv, 124 Horlivska St (can reach by minibus #45 or #45d from Kharkivska or Darnitsa subway station). The dormitory is located 7 minutes of walking from the main campus (Kharkivs’ke Highway, 121).
– 02121, Kyiv, 210 Kharkivske Highway (8 minutes of walking from Boryspilska subway station)
Apart of living areas you will be able to use:
● Laundry;
● Cafeteria;
● Gym & outdoor playground;
● Reading room (with free Wi-Fi);
1. We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5-seated rooms to our international students. Also we offer lux-class double rooms.
2. Safety is maintained by the security company according to the internal rules of thestudent housing.
3. There is a well-developed infrastructure around the student housing: shopping malls, hospital, pharmacy, gym, park, pond, recreation areas etc.
Where will my classes take place?
The first, second and third-year students will have their theoretical classes at KMU Departments on the campuses of the university.
The 4th, 5th and 6th -year students will have their practical classes at KMU Clinical Departments. Kyiv Medical University has around 60 associated hospitals and clinics which are the best private and state healthcare institutions. Students of Dentistry Faculty have possibility to practice at KMU own Dental Clinic.

How will my stay in Ukraine be legalized?
Applicants can enter the territory of Ukraine on the basis of a valid travel document (passport) with a student visa. Before arriving in Ukraine, foreign students must apply for a student visa in the Ukrainian Embassy or Consulate in their home country. A short-term visa entitles the holder to stay in Ukraine for up to 3 months.
In order to prolong the legal stay, foreign students should apply for a Temporary Residence Permit (`Posvidka`) in Ukraine.
Do I need a health insurance?
All foreign students must have medical insurance for the period of their stay in Ukraine.

What are the terms of academic year?
The KMU academic year is based on two semesters (duration of each ~40 weeks) – autumn and spring. Both semesters are followed by examination periods. Between semesters there are lecture-free periods – holidays. Our students have a five-days work week and two days-off on Saturday and Sunday.
Academic Calendar 2021/2022 (exact dates depend on particular faculty):
Autumn semester: September 1, 2021 – January 14 , 2022
Christmas vacation: January 17, 2022 – January 28, 2022
Examination period: January, 2022
Spring semester: January 31, 2022 – June 3\10, 2022
Examination period: June 6\17, 2022 – June 17, 2022 (may be prolonged by dean)
Summer vacation: July 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021
What is KROK / (STEP) or the State Unified Exam?
KROK is a Licensing Examination, an obligatory part of state certification for awarding the qualification of doctor or pharmacist. Students who are preparing for the specialties “Medicine”, “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy” pass two separate test exams:
І-st stage (after the 6th semester for students who study Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy)
– KROK-1
– Medical English language
The KROK 1 Exam is the first part of the Ukrainian Medical Examination. The main goal is to control the knowledge of the basics of medicine.
ІІ-nd stage (after the 10th semester for students who study Dentistry or Pharmacy and after the 12th semester for students who study Medicine)
– KROK-2
The KROK 2 Exam is the final part of the Ukrainian Medical Examination. The main goal is to control the knowledge of clinical subjects.
I need to apply for Academic leave. Is it possible?
In case you have a responsible reason it is possible. To find out more about the procedure, please contact Dean`s Office.
Can I participate in any kind of Summer practice?
Our students have the unique opportunity to undergo a summer internship at the hospital in Knurów (Poland) and other European cities. This is an excellent hospital that provides ample opportunities for practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained during the study year. The hospital employs experienced and highly qualified specialists, which are always ready to share their knowledge and support students. The Practice itself is free of charge. Students have to pay only for the trip.
Can I do scientific research at KMU?
Sure, we encourage students not only to study but to research also! Our calendar is full with science events: Medical Motivation Meetings, Open lectures of invited professors and Science Conferences. You can find more on the website, “Research work” section.
What do I need to have when my lecture will start?
Apart from usual studying stuff, the first-year students also need to have a surgical suit and a medical gown.
Are there any distance learning study programs at the University?
There is no distance learning at the University. Even though the current Spring semester will be finished remotely, studies in the Autumn semester will get back to usual form of training, if the University will not be again affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Requirements for completing of the study program
A student is allowed to take the final exam only if all absences have been cleared/reworked and the total average grade received during the semester is above the minimum required level.
What should I do if I have missed a class/classes?
Any missed class must be cleared/reworked.
A missed class may be considered excusable and its rework may be free of charge if a student has a responsible reason (illness, family issues etc.)
Any missed class not supported with a document is considered inexcusable and will be charged with a fee – 100 UAH per academic hour.

Can I apply for a job in Ukraine?
As an foreign student, you will have D13 (General) student visa.On this visa, you can study on full-time courses as well as postgraduate courses. But such a type of Visa doesn’t give you an opportunity to work legally in Ukraine.
Leisure at KMU
University is much more than just a place to learn. Kyiv Medical University will become your second home. You’ll discover new hobbies and make friends of a lifetime.
If you are keen on sport, we have a gym with free weights and functional equipment on campus. Along with outdoor courts and pitches for sports including football, volleyball and tennis. Also at
KMU there is a football team which you can join.
There are lots of social and cultural activities you can get involved in. Starting with Fresher’s ceremony and ending with Medical Picnics and MISS-KMU Beauty contest you definitely will not be bored. More about saturated student life you can find on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Will my diploma be recognized in my country?
As Kyiv Medical University has the highest level of accreditation by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, all degrees issued to foreign students are legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
Kyiv Medical University is recognized by all relevant international directories of medical universities such as the International Medical Education Directory (IMED). This means that graduates are eligible to take the United States Medical Licensing Examinations which certificates are recognized by the Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) in US and the Medical Council of Canada (MCC).
The University is also registered in the AVICENNA Directory which is maintained by the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) meaning KMU is fully recognized by the WHO.
The University’s Foundation for advancement of international medical education and research (FAIMER) School ID is F0002349.
Kyiv Medical University (KMU) is recognized by the Ghana Dental and Medical Council, Nigerian Dental and Medical Council, Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, European Council of Medicine, Medical Council of India and General Medical Council of UK etc.

Find out everything you need to know about paying your tuition fees, including receiving invoices, when to pay, and how to pay in “Tuition Fees” section.
Can I pay the tuition fee by instalments?
The tuition fee payment for the first year of studies has to be paid during the admission procedure. The payments starting from the second year are divided by semesters and can be paid by instalments.
When I need to pay?
Tuition fees must be paid 10 days prior to the beginning of each semester. Semi-payments are not permitted. Only in case of on-time payment of the tuition fees students may attend classes.

If you’re involved in an accident, near miss, experience an injury or incident, here’s what you have to do:
First-aid assistance
There are first-aiders in all university buildings. Search for “Doctor” sign or ask Dean`s Office workers for assistance.
Calling an ambulance
If you or someone else has a serious or life-threatening injury or condition, immediately call the Ambulance. Free phone number – 103.
How to report an incident
If you are the victim or witness of an incident please call the police. Free phone number – 102. After calling police please inform the Dean’s Office worker (call or text) to describe the situation and let us help you if needed.
Lost documents
If you lost your Temporary Residence Permit (`Posvidka`), please contact the police and after that immediately contact or come to the International Faculty of KMU. An inspector will prepare the all-necessary documents for receiving new Temporary Residence Permit (`Posvidka`).

What is the climate in Ukraine and what kind of clothes should I take?
Ukraine has comfortable climate conditions. Average winter temperatures vary from +8 to -8C. The average summer temperature ranges from 18 to 25 C. However, it can exceed to 35 C during
the day. Sunny weather is typical for Ukraine (up to 240 sunny days per year).
We advise you to prepare clothing for every type of weather. Especially for autumn and winter, it is recommended to have water- and wind-proof clothing, including boots.
What should I know about money and currency exchange in Ukraine?
Ukrainian official currency is Hryvnia (code: UAH; short: hrn); 1 hryvnia = 100 kopiyok. The Ukrainian Hryvnia is fully convertible and available at numerous exchange points and banks throughout Kyiv and all other Ukrainian cities. The exchange rates are approx. 1 USD = 27 UAH and 1 EUR = 29 UAH. In order to check the current exchange rate please visit the website of the
National Bank of Ukraine. We strongly recommend to exchange currency only in bank branches.
What is the cost of living in Kyiv?
Examples of expenses:
Accommodation in a student’s hostel ~ 2300 UAH/month
Accommodation in a shared flat or apartment ~ 8000UAH/month
Examples of prices for products and services in Kyiv in 2022:
bread: 14-22 UAH
0,5 bottled water: 10 UAH
milk (1l): 30 UAH
butter (pack): 40-50 UAH
cheese (kg): 200-300 UAH
coffee in a cafe: 24-40 UAH
cinema ticket: 100-150 UAH
fast-food meal: 80-150 UAH
dinner in a restaurant: 250-500 UAH
pizza: 120-200 UAH
single bus ride: 8 UAH
single subway ride: 8 UAH
Our students spend in average around 200-300 USD for living per month (not including accommodation payments).