PrExam platform for preparation for the “KROK”About PrExam platform This is a unique digital service, which includes more than 200,000 test items. Users can create their own profile through convenient registration on the official website of Kyiv Medical University and prepare for both the Krok and the Professional English Exam. The PrExam platform provides an opportunity not only to train, but also to take “Trial Krok” online and predict your results. The unique statistics module allows the student to see their progress both from the disciplines included in Krok and from other components of the educational program. The peculiarity is that the user has the opportunity to get advice from teachers on complex issues, create their own test databases for more detailed work, work on errors and, most importantly, not just memorize the correct answer, but get clear explanations and strengthen their knowledge. The mission of PrExam is to improve the quality of preparation for different licensing exams, departmental exams of the University, for effective organization of independent learning, ensuring the formation of individual educational trajectory and supporting the development of non-formal education in the field of Health Care.
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