Oleksandr Pokanevych, MD, MPA, MSc
President, Kyiv Medical University

Oleksandr Pokanevych is a distinguished leader in healthcare and medical education, with an extensive academic background and a commitment to advancing the future of medical education in Ukraine and beyond.

Academic Credentials:

  • Doctor of Medicine (MD), Medical Institute of UAFM, 09/1999-06/2005
  • Doctor-Intern of Family Medicine Department, Medical Institute of UAFM, 08/2005-07/2006
  • Doctor-Intern of Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, National Ukrainian Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education, Kiev, Ukraine, 08/2006-06/2008
  • Master of Science in International Health Policy and Management, Brandeis University, Heller School for Social Policy & Management (USA), May 2009
    • Full tuition scholarship provided by Brandeis University
    • Relevant Coursework: International Health Economics, Advanced Cost-Effectiveness and Benefit Analysis, Healthcare Management, Strategic and Financial Management of Health-Related Organizations, Monitoring and Evaluation, Quality and Performance Measurement in Health Services
  • Erasmus-Mundus Master PhoenixEM Dynamics of Health and Welfare, Linköping University (Sweden) and Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), 09/2010-06/2012
    • Full tuition scholarship provided by the European Commission
    • Relevant Coursework: Master program aimed to provide knowledge and expertise for research and future management of health and welfare in Europe and beyond
  • Master of Public Administration in Healthcare, Odessa Regional Institute of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 02/2016
    • Relevant Coursework: Principles of Public Administration, Organizational Theory and Behavior in the Public Sector, Economic Environment and the Public Sector, Analytical Methods, Computer-Based Management Systems, The Policy Process in Health Care Administration

Professional Experience:

  • Charitable Foundation “BLAGOMED”
    Oleksandr’s career began in 2003 at the Charitable Foundation “BLAGOMED,” where he served first as Executive Director and then as Director. His leadership during these formative years set the stage for his future success in both healthcare and administration.
  • Kyiv Medical University
    In 2004, Oleksandr joined the family legacy at Kyiv Medical University, starting as Senior Manager of the International Department. He also coordinated the Ukrainian Doctors/Nurses Retraining Program from 2005 to 2008, demonstrating his dedication to improving healthcare education.
  • New Hampshire Orthopedic Center (USA)
    In 2009, Oleksandr expanded his international experience by joining the New Hampshire Orthopedic Center as a Supply Chain Specialist. His work in integrating medical supplies and implementing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) played a critical role in modernizing the center’s operations.
  • CDC-Ukraine
    From 2012 to 2013, Oleksandr served as a project facilitator at CDC-Ukraine. In this role, he acted as the World Bank’s contact point, bridging the gap between international and national teams in the HIV Program Efficiency Study in Ukraine.

Leadership at Kyiv Medical University: In 2013, Oleksandr Pokanevych was appointed President of Kyiv Medical University. Since then, he has been the driving force behind the university’s vision, mission, and values. His leadership focuses on enhancing the university’s academic mission, supporting overall operations, and building upon the institution’s rich traditions and strengths.

Key Accomplishments Under His Leadership:

  • International Collaboration:
    During Oleksandr’s administration, KMU’s faculty and staff have actively participated in significant global health events, often in collaboration with Ukrainian government representatives. They have placed special emphasis on the standardization of medical education in line with the requirements of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). This involvement underscores KMU’s commitment to adopting and implementing advanced standards and best practices in medical education, ensuring that the University’s programs align with global standards for medical training.
  • Dedication to Excellence:
    KMU has demonstrated unwavering dedication to excellence in medical education, research, and community service. Under Oleksandr’s leadership, the University has invested in innovative educational infrastructure and maintained a highly qualified faculty, resulting in the production of skilled healthcare professionals who contribute significantly to both national and international medical care and research.
  • Facing Challenges and Achieving Success:
    Despite challenges, including the war and the COVID-19 pandemic, KMU has remained committed to its mission of providing quality education and supporting research initiatives. One of the major achievements during Oleksandr’s tenure is the establishment of the KMU Polish Campus, which was created with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). This campus provides a safe environment for 2300 students and 200-250 faculty members from Ukraine.
  • Continued Growth and Resilience:
    In March 2024, KMU signed a second collaboration agreement with the EBRD, reflecting the University’s adherence to European values and standards of corporate governance. The ongoing collaboration with the EBRD exemplifies KMU’s resilience and dedication to education, demonstrating how Ukrainian institutions can not only survive but thrive in the most challenging conditions. This partnership ensures the sustainability of KMU’s operations for many years to come and highlights the solidarity of the international community with KMU’s mission to train the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Vision for the Future: Under Oleksandr’s guidance, Kyiv Medical University continues to grow as a leading institution in medical education, research, and community service. He is committed to fostering a vibrant academic environment that prepares the next generation of healthcare professionals to meet the challenges of a dynamic global landscape.


Borys Ivnyev, PhD, MD, Professor

In 1987, Borys Ivnyev graduated with honors from M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU), majoring in “Medical Care”. In the same year, in accordance with the recommendation for scientific work, he was accepted to the Department of Normal Physiology of DNMU as a senior laboratory assistant. In 1991 he defended his PhD dissertation, and in 2001 – his doctoral dissertation. In 2006, he was awarded the academic title of Professor of Physiology. Until 2014, career of professor Ivnyev was connected with DNMU, where he worked as an associate professor, professor, dean of the medical faculty and the first vice-rector. After moving to Kyiv at the end of 2014, he worked at the Department of Physiology of Bogomolets National Medical University. Since the fall of 2015, he is the Rector of PHEE “Kyiv Medical University”.

Scientific activity of Borys Ivnyev is connected with theoretical and practical aspects of experimental and clinical neurophysiology. The study of morphology and physiology of the brain is what his entire scientific path is dedicated to. He identified the features of morpho-functional connections of the cerebral membrane with the structures of the limbic system. Borys proved the existence of a spatial organization of neurons of limbic structures that have projections on the nuclei of the membrane. His doctoral dissertation highlights the neuronal mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease development as a model of premature brain aging. Borys Ivnyev first discovered the features of cognitive auditory and visual evoked potentials of the brain in case of Alzheimer’s disease. He developed and used their frequency spectrum to analyze the evoked potentials of the brain. He also showed a specific topical organization of the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex during the development of a dementia. A comprehensive neurophysiological study of this problem has made it possible for the first time to develop methods for the early diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer’s disease. In 2002, for his “Alzheimer’s disease” scientific monograph, Borys Ivnyev was awarded a diploma and the prize of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Among his scientific interests, he also studied the mechanisms of stem cells’ influence on cognitive and motor functions of the brain in ischemic disorders.

Today, the research of professor Ivnyev is devoted to clinical neurophysiology, studying the peculiarities of the brain functionality in case of a chronic pain (scientific program with the University of Verona, Italy) and certain mental disorders (addictive disorders, schizophrenia). This helps to bring the results of research closer to a practical use. The main feature of his modern scientific direction is the study of neurophysiological mechanisms of psychotherapy as one of the main methods of modern mental rehabilitation of post-traumatic stress disorders. This project is supported by the European Society of Hypnosis in Medicine and Psychotherapy (ESH) (UK). The practical result of these studies was the “Living with mental disorders. Existential and personal aspects of recovery” monograph (2014). This work was continued in a form of the co-authored “Physical, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine: Neurorehabilitation” textbook (2020).

For his work on the prevention and rehabilitation of addictions, Borys has been awarded state awards.

Borys Ivnyev is the author of 5 scientific monographs, 3 textbooks for students of higher medical education establishments, 235 scientific articles on neurophysiology, psychiatry and the organization of the educational process in a high medical school, and 6 patents. He is a member of the editorial boards of scientific and practical journals like “International Psychiatric, Psychotherapeutic and Psychoanalytic Journal”, “Ophthalmology”, “Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology” and “Bioenergetics in Medicine and Biology”.

International scientific cooperation continues with International, Interdisciplinary, Interreligious Research Group On Consciousness Studies (a branch of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, GdN Neurobioethics, at APRA – Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Roma, Italy), as well as with the Research Council of the European Hypnosis Society in Medicine.

Borys conducts extensive scientific and public activities. He is a member of the European Society of Neuroscience, the International Association of Alzheimer’s Disease, the Ukrainian Physiological Society, Vice President of the Association of Psychiatrists and Psychoanalysts of Ukraine, a member of the European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Medicine (Ukrainian representative), and a member of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH).

Professor Ivnyev was elected an academician of the National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine, as well as a member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine.


1. V. Sokrut, O. Syniachenko, O. Sokrut, B. Ivnyev and others. «Physical, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine: Neurorehabilitation».- Textbook for students and physicians/general edition by V. Sokrut – Sloviansk: “Printing house “Drukarskyi dvir”, LLC, 2020.-Vol.2, 340 p.

2. O. Kopchak , I. Pinchuk, B. Ivnev and N. Skokauskas. Reforming Undergraduate Psychiatry Training in Ukraine // Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development .- 2020.- Volume 7: 1–2.

3. O. Osokina, G. Putiatin, B. Ivnyev et all. Psychotherapeutic model of rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia and comorbidic neurotic stress-associated disorders who lives in the territory of anti-terrorist operation in eastern part of Ukraine // Europejskie Studia Humanisticzne. Psychological, medical and pedagogical aspects of post-traumatic stress in war conditions // 2018.- P. 115-130.

4. O. Osokina, A. Udod, B. Ivnyev, S. Selezneva, G. Putiatyn, S. Ushenyn. Possibilities of bio-suggestive therapy for pain correction in neuropsychiatry and dentistry // Ukrainian Bulletin of Psychoneurology.- 2017. Vol. 25, issue 4 (93) p. 73-79.

5. O.Osokina, B. Ivnyev Cerebral Evoked Potentials in Patients at an Early Stage of Schizophrenia // Neurophysiology, Vol. 50, No. 4, August, 2018.


Volodymyr Bobryk, Doctor of Sciences of Law, Professor

In 2001, Volodymyr graduated with honors from the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, specializing in “Law”. That same year, he entered the postgraduate program at the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In 2004, he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and in 2021, he defended his doctoral dissertation. In 2023, he was awarded the academic title of Professor in the field of 081 “Law”.

Volodymyr held teaching positions at the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, research positions at the Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship named after Academician Burchak F. G. of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, and managerial positions at JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and JSC “Ukrainian Automobile Roads”. Since 2007, he has been practicing law. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court.

He was honored with the President of Ukraine Award for Young Scientists (2013), the Certificate of Merit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2022), and the Honorary Certificate of the Association of Private Educational Institutions of Ukraine (2022). He is the author of over 170 scientific works.

In March 2020, Volodymyr joined the team of Kyiv Medical University. His responsibilities include the organization and control of service support for the educational process, including the coordination of the activities of the chief engineer’s service, the economic department, the legal department, the personnel department, the records management department, the university’s facilities, and the engineer for labor protection and fire safety



Yurii Pyatnickiy, MD, Pediatrician of the highest category 

Yurii Pyatnickiy (1971), MD, associate professor, pediatrician of the highest qualification category. He graduated the Bogomolets National Medical University in 1997.

Yurii Pyatnickiy defended his PhD dissertation (the specialty 14.01.10 “Pediatric”); received degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (the specialty 14.03.04 “Pathological Physiology”) in 2015. He is the author and co-author of more than 140 scientific and educational works, including textbooks and educational programs, a monograph, guidelines for doctors, 5 patents for inventions.

Yurii Pyatnickiy worked from 2003 to 2007 as a methodologist of the Central Methodical Cabinet for Higher Medical Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. From 2007 to 2021 he worked at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as a chief specialist of the Department of Education and Science, Deputy Head of the Department of Education and Science – Head of the Department of Education; Head of the Education Sector, Chief Specialist of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Personnel of the Personnel Department, etc. In 2005 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor at the Department of Pediatrics №1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

Participated in the International Courses of Strategic Human Resource Planning in Health WHO (2010), the Autumn School for the Use of Information and Research Data on Health in WHO Policy Making (2013), and seminars in National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

  1. О. Tyazhka, O. Vinnytska, T. Lutai, Piatnytskyi. Pediatrics. Textbook –– Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha Publishers, 2018– 544 pp. : il.
  2. О.Тяжка, Т.Лутай, О. Вінницька, Ю. П’ятницький. Педіатрія: Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів IV рівня акредитації за ред. проф. О.В.Тяжкої.–Видання 5-е.– Вінниця: «Нова книга», 2018 – 1152 с.
  3. О.Волосовець, В. Майданнік, Р. Моісеєнко, С. Березенко, Ю.П’ятницький. Стан здоров’я дитячого населення – майбутнє України. (частина 2). Здоров’я дитини.– 2018.–№2 (том 13).
  4. О.Волосовець, В. Майданнік, Р. Моісеєнко, С. Березенко, Ю.П’ятницький. Стан здоров’я дитячого населення – майбутнє України. (частина 1). Здоров’я дитини.– 2018.–№1 (том 13).– с. 11-22
  5. Ю.І. Бажора, П.П. Єрмуракі, Ю.С. П’ятницький. Взаємозв’язок між активністю ферментною антиоксидантної системи та функції печінки у хворих на туберкульоз легень.: Одеський медичний журнал.–2018.–№1 (165).– с.29-34
  6. Н. О. Олексіна, О. П. Волосовець, Ю. С. П’ятницький: Медична освіта: відповіді на виклики сучасності. Доповідь. Матеріали XV Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Актуальні питання вищої медичної освіти в Україні (з дистанційним під’єднанням ВМ(Ф)НЗ України за допомогою відеоконференц-зв’язку) 17–18 травня 2018 року м. Тернопіль Тернопіль ТДМУ «Укрмедкнига» 2018
  7. Н. О. Олексіна, О. П. Волосовець, Ю. С. П’ятницький: Медична освіта: відповіді на виклики сучасності. Медична освіта.– 2018.– №2.–с. 36-40


Volodymyr Meged, MD, Professor, Honored Health Care Worker of Ukraine

Volodymyr was born in the village of Pologi-Verguny, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi district, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. He graduated from the Military Medical Faculty of Kuibyshev in 1977 with a degree in “Treatment and Prevention”, and in 1985 – graduated from the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad with a degree in “Army Medical Supply Support”.

He served in the military in various positions. From 2000 to 2012 – Head of the Health Resources director of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. In 1998 Volodymyr was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Health Care Worker of Ukraine”. In 2003 he was awarded the Order of Danylo Halytsky by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, and in 2009 – the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky of the III degree. Volodymyr Meged is a retired Major General of the Medical Service.

Volodymyr is the author of the postgraduate education cycle program for specialists in the specialty 223 “Nursing”, “European standards of nursing” and the supervisor of Khanam Nida the International Faculty student, “Medicine” specialty: “Targeted disease mitigation strategies using mobile phone data”. Professor Meged is also the co-author of the “Emergencies in the clinic of internal medicine” manual (Kyiv, 2017).





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