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KMU Rector’s address

Dear KMU Family!

In order to decrease the risk of spread of COVID-19 disease and to ensure the safety of all participants of the study process of the University, along with following the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated September 13, 2021 №954 and Decision of the State Commission on Technogenic and Ecological Safety and Emergencies, dated October 28, 2021 (protocol №42) on the establishment of a red level of epidemic danger in Kyiv from November 1st, rectorate of the University decided to switch all study process from 1st until 15th of November to online-mode with implementation of digital tools. This period may change, depending on epidemic situation in Kyiv.

University’s faculty members already have considerable experience in organizing training during a pandemic and are ready to provide you with quality theoretical knowledge. The University leadership realizes the crucial role of practical classes for students and residents. Therefore, due to limited access to associated clinics, students majoring in “Medicine” and “Dentistry” have the opportunity to master practical skills in the Center for Simulation Training and Assessment. For dentists, such Simulation Center has been recently launched at the dental campus of the University. Trainings for students and residents of our University are free and will remain available after the cancellation of restrictions on visiting the University. We will upload the schedule of Center for Simulation Training and Assessment operation to the University’s website and send it to your corporate E-mails. Also, you will be able to find it on our official Facebook and Instagram pages.

Over 80% of the management and academic staff of the University are vaccinated. That will give us the opportunity to return to “mixed” study mode as soon as possible and, subsequently, to classrooms as well.

Dear colleagues, thank you for your responsible attitude to our common mission! I want to give a huge “thank you” to our students who have understood the introduction of quarantine restrictions, followed the rules of living in dormitories and continue online studies successfully!

I am confident that strict quarantine restrictions will preserve the health and lives of members of our University community.

Please make the most of G Suite for Education for quality learning. We will inform all faculty members, students and interns about changes in the study format via the official website of the University and corporate Emails.

I would like to draw your attention to the mandatory vaccination, maintaining of social distance, avoiding crowding indoors, usage of facial masks and gloves and following the rules of respiratory hygiene. Stay safe whether you are studying, working, visiting family and friends, staying in the hostel or going out.

Stay healthy and take care of yourself, your family and friends. Always keep positive state of mind!

With kindest regards,

Borys Ivnyev


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