Department of Physiology, Medical Biology and Biological Physics

Andrii Palamarchuk, associate professor, PhD, MD, MSc.





  • Andrii Palamarchuk – associate professor
  • Zinoviy Skripnyuk  – professor
  • Zemfira Abdullayeva – associate professor
  • Daria Shesterina – senior teacher


  • Yakiv Kolinko – senior teacher
  • Marina S. Yena – teacher


  • Boris S.Sushko – associate professor
  • Taisiya V.Serdenko – senior teacher

The department carries out the training of students in educational qualification levels «Master degree». Master’s degree includes studying of discipline “Physiology” in 2nd year for Medical Faculties and Dentistry Faculty (Ukrainian students), international faculty for training of international students (english students); discipline “Medical biology” “medical and biology physics «Medical biology with the basics of genetics” , “mathematics and statistics”, “biological physics with physical methods of analysis” – in 1nd year for medical, dentistry and pharmacy faculties. For teaching of all mentioned training divisions department have corresponding educational programs.

Educational work of the department’s staff is directed at best possible mastering by students of knowledge and skills during practical classes and successful solution of situational tasks for passing the Krok 1. Training of students in department is based on principles of provision of methodical and informational materials for educational process with elements of individual work. Special attention is directed at improvement of practical classes. Guidelines for students for carrying out the practical classes were made.

The material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for the departments of higher educational medical institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation.

Developed guidelines for students, teachers, as well as workbooks for first-year students for all forms of education.

During the existence of the department 311 articles were published, including international ones (81) and about seven hundred reports were prepared, 8 copyright certificates and 8 patents were obtained, 14 candidate dissertations and 5 doctoral dissertations were defended.

The following practical results were introduced at the department to improve the quality of life, individual work schedule, work efficiency, assessment of general risks of daily activities for the health of people of all ages.

There is a student scientific circle. The members of the circle take part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works.

The Department of Physiology of Physiology, Medical Biology and Biological Physics was founded in 1992 by A. Kozlov (professor, MD).

For the first 1.5 years during the department formation, it was headed by candidates of biological sciences S. Andriichenko, A. Bezusko (ScD).

Since 1994 the department is headed by V. Rybalchenko, since then not only educational work (including for the first time rating control of knowledge – Prof. V. Rybalchenko and V. Malyuk), but also scientific work becomes more active in collaboration with the Laboratory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The consequence of this community was the discovery without a receptor mechanism of the interaction of biologically active substances with the cell membrane, the creation of a modern model of the molecular organization of biological membranes.

Theoretical and experimental researches are carried out in the field of scientific work, a new direction on non-receptor mechanisms, effects of bioregulators was developed.

Since 2008 the head of department was professor Z. Skrypnyuk. The main area of ​​research during 2008-2017 was investigation in inform therapy area.

In 2017-2020 the department was headed by O. Polyakov.

Since 2020, the head of the Department is Andrii Palamarchuk.

Head of the Department
Andrii Palamarchuk
Contact information
Address:Room №306, 2, Boryspilska St, Kyiv
Phone:+38 (096) 524-46-97
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