Department of Pediatric Therapeutic DentistryInessa Yakubova, doctor of medical sciences, professor. Inessa Yakubova, born April 23, 1969, Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanislav district), Ukraine – Ukrainian scientist in the field of pediatric dentistry, doctor of medical sciences (2013), professor (2015). Biography In 1993, she graduated from the Lviv State Medical Institute of the Order of Peoples’ Friendship. Specialty “Dentistry”. She received a diploma with honors. She defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Effectiveness of dental caries prevention in school-age children” at the Specialized Academic Council of Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2002). Defended the dissertation work for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in the specialty Stomatology on 14.01.22 on the topic “Influence of the alimentary factor in the antenatal and postnatal periods on the occurrence of caries of temporary teeth in children and its prevention (clinical-experimental research)” in the Specialized Scientific Council at the National P. L. Shupyk Postgraduate Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2013). 2002 – 2004 – assistant professor of the Department of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry and Prevention of Dental Diseases at the National Medical University named after Academician O.O. Bogomolets 2004 – 2005 – senior researcher in pediatric therapeutic dentistry and prevention of dental diseases of the Limited Liability Company “Institute of Progressive Dental Technologies”. 2005 – 2009 – associate professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry with the course of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry of the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine. 2009 – 2012 – associate professor of the Department of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry and Prevention of Dental Diseases of Kyiv Medical University. 2012 including Head of the Department of Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry of Kyiv Medical University. 2011 – 2013 – academic secretary of the Academic Council of Kyiv Medical University. 2007 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine. 2008 – Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D (Supreme Certifying Commission). 2015 – awarded the academic title of professor of the Department of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry and Prevention of Dental Diseases of Kyiv Medical University. 2013 including – a member of the International Editorial Board of the scientific and information journal “CONCEPT Stomatology” (Republic of Kazakhstan). Research activities Author of more than 200 publications. Scientific studies are devoted to risk assessment, determination of pathogenesis, clinic, treatment and prevention of dental diseases in children with various classes of diseases (autistic spectrum disorders, mental retardation, speech disorders, ascariasis), in pregnant women and antenatal prevention. She was the scientific supervisor of N.S. Isaeva’s dissertation work for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Features of the clinical course and prevention of caries of permanent teeth in children with ascariasis” (2012); Ostryanko V.I. on the topic “Effectiveness of professional oral hygiene in the prevention of dental caries in children” (2013); Tsypan S.B. on the topic “Features of the prevention of major dental diseases in children with autism” (2015); Yu.V. Skrypnyka on the topic “Features of the prevention of major dental diseases in children with mild mental retardation” (2016); Kuzmina V.A. on the topic “Features of the prevention of diseases of hard dental tissues in children in the antenatal period of their development (clinical-experimental study) (2018). 2012 – the classification of pigmented dental plaque was developed. Works in scientometric bases: Systematization of stained dental plaque in children (із співавт., 2020) // Georgian medical news (Scopus) The effect of diet enriched with pyrophosphate (e450) on expression of genes encoding bone morphogenetic protein and osteocalcin in mouse embryonic mandible tissues (із співавт., 2021) // Wiadomości Lekarskie (Scopus). The effect of diet enriched with pyrophosphate (Е450) on morphological changes of the tooth germs of mouse embryos (із співавт., 2022) // Wiadomości Lekarskie (Scopus). Prevalence of gingivitis in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (із співавт., 2023) // Wiadomości Lekarskie (Scopus). Influence of cholesterol enriched diet on genes expression encoding bone morphogenetic protein-2 And osteocalcin in mouse mandible (із співавт., 2023) // Wiadomości Lekarskie (Scopus).
The department provides teaching of the following disciplines: “Propaedeutics of children’s therapeutic dentistry” for 2nd year students, “Prevention of dental diseases” for students of the 3rd year, “Children’s therapeutic dentistry” for students of 4-5 years of the Faculty of Dentistry. Post-graduate training in the disciplines: “Children’s therapeutic dentistry”, “Prevention of dental diseases” for interns. Specialization in the discipline Children’s dentistry. The material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for departments of higher educational medical institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation. Educational and methodological materials are presented on the page of the department on the website of the University, in Google Class. The scientific direction of the department is the study of the risk of occurrence, determination of the features of pathogenesis, clinic, treatment and prevention of dental diseases in children with various classes of diseases. The teachers of the department are authors and co-authors of more than 300 scientific publications, five patents for inventions, three information sheets for the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, two certificates of copyright registration for works, one educational and methodological manual. Publications of the scientific and pedagogical staff are part of the research work of the Department of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry: “Assessment of the risk of occurrence, determination of features of pathogenesis, clinic, treatment and prevention of dental diseases in children with various classes of diseases” (State registration number 0112U008260). In 2016, the department presented the results of its research in “A compendium of facts on oral health of children around the world: early childhood caries”, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA. Scientific and pedagogical workers of the department took part in more than 100 scientific and practical conferences, congresses, seminars, webinars, trainings in Ukraine and abroad. Scientific researches of the department are published on the pages of the department on the website of the University, as well as in social networks (Facebook, Instagram) and YouTube channel of the department. Protected dissertations: – Inessa Yakubova for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Influence of the alimentary factor in the antenatal and postnatal periods on the occurrence of caries of temporary teeth in children and its prevention (clinical-experimental study)” – Nadiya Isayeva for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Features of the clinical course and prevention of caries of permanent teeth in children with ascariasis” (2012); – Volodymyr Ostryanko for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Effectiveness of professional oral hygiene in the prevention of dental caries in children” (2013); – Serhiy Tsypan for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Features of the prevention of major dental diseases in children with autism” (2015); – Yuriy Skrypnyk for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Features of the prevention of major dental diseases in children with a mild degree of mental retardation” (2016); – Victoria Kuzmina on the topic “Features of the prevention of diseases of hard dental tissues in children in the antenatal period of their development (clinical-experimental study) (2018). Works in scientometric databases: Systematization of stained dental plaque in children // Georgian medical news (із співавт., 2020). The effect of diet enriched with pyrophosphate (e450) on expression of genes encoding bone morphogenetic protein and osteocalcin in mouse embryonic mandible tissues // Wiadomości Lekarskie (із співавт., 2021). The effect of diet enriched with pyrophosphate (Е450) on morphological changes of the tooth germs of mouse embryos // Wiadomości Lekarskie (із співавт., 2022).
The Department of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry was organized as an independent structural unit on August 28, 2009. It was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Ihor Molozhanov. From June 12, 2012 to the present, the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Inessa Yakubova. The department is known for working on the development of programs of hygienic education and upbringing for children with developmental disabilities, in particular with disorders of the autistic spectrum, mental retardation, severe speech disorders, studies pigmented dental plaque in children, researches the expression of genes that affect odontogenesis under the influence of factor of irrational nutrition, systematizes data on early childhood caries in Ukraine. Currently, 5 associate professors and 9 assistants work at the department. The department pays attention to the training of the personnel reserve. Nadiya Isaeva, Volodymyr Ostryanko, Serhiy Tsypan, Yuriy Skrypnyk, Viktoriya Kuzmina completed and defended under the supervision of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Inessa Yakubova – 5 dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. Currently, the department is working on 1 dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and 5 dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. |
Head of the Department
![]() Inessa Yakubova
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