Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Physical Rehabilitation
Оksana Kopchak graduated with honors the Bogomolets National Medical University, her name is written in the “Golden Book of Honor” of this University. In 2016 she obtained the Doctor of Medical Sciences degree (topic of her scientific work was «Cognitive, psycho-emotional and clinical features of vascular pathology of the brain and metabolic syndrome in people of different ages»). Her research area of interests includes the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases, cognitive impairment of vascular and neurodegenerative origin. O.O. Kopchak has the highest qualification doctor’s degree in neurology. She provides neurological consultations as a doctor in the profile departments of Kyiv Clinical Hospital №1 and in the State Institution “D.F. Chebotaryov Institute of Gerontology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (Department of Aging Physiology and Pathology of the Nervous System), Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Professor Kopchak is also the head of postgraduate study and clinical residency at the University on “Neurology”. She is an author of methodological guidelines for students and gives lectures on Neurology for English-speaking students. She is the author of more than 126 scientific works, 23 publications in journals cited in Scopus, has an h-index of 4 in Scopus, h-index of 8 in Google Scholar. Author of 2 textbooks “Course of lectures on neurology” in Ukrainian and English. Oksana Olehivna has copyright certificates for inventions, declaratory patents. A member of the Ukrainian Union of Neurologists and Psychiatrists of Ukraine and a full member of the European Academy of Neurology, in 2022 on a competitive basis, she was elected to the Assembly of Delegates of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) from Ukraine as an individual delegate for the period 2022-2025. In November 2022 had internship for teachers of medical faculties in Germany “Ukraine digital – Clinical reasoning in medical education” supported by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). During this cooperation and training participants together with colleagues from the Charite Clinic and University, developed the concept of curriculum development and mapping using the LOOP-share online platform and were able to integrate selected virtual clinical cases into the educational process using the SASUS platform. The head of the department took part in the Ukraine Digital – Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education project in the framework of cooperation with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Today the department employs 6 Doctors of Medical Sciences and 5 PhDs of Medical Sciences. Neurology
Medical Psychology
Deontology in medicine
Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine
Basics of Sexopathology
The department teaches such disciplines:
Teaching disciplines is carried out for the students of 2-6 courses of medical and dental faculties. Postgraduate study in internship, clinical residency in the disciplines of “Neurology” and “Psychiatry”. Postgraduate fellowship study in the discipline of “Neurology”.
Teachers of the department are the authors of curricula and syllabuses for specialized disciplines. The staff of the department are the authors of educational and methodical materials in the following thematic areas: “Diagnosis in neurology”, “Clinical and topical diagnostics in neurology”, “Medical and psychological aspects of rehabilitation of ATO participants”. Methodological developments for practical classes, lectures (in Ukrainian, Russian, English) are updated. In recent years, the department has published the following textbooks and teaching aids: 1. Clinical (medical) Psychology: textbook / O.Yu. Tabachnikov, C.B. Abdriakhimova, О.О. Kopchak. – “Book-plus”, 2020. – 264 p. 2. Lazurenko O.O., Tabachnikov O.U. General and Medical Psychology. Textbook. Second supplemented edition. – Kyiv: Book-plus, 2020, 232p. 3. Medical Psychology: Textbook / Osokina OI, Putyatin GG, Ivnev BB etc. ; under the general ed. prof. OI Osokina. – Kramatorsk – Kyiv: Slovyansk, PE “Khortytsya”, 2021 – 204 p. 4. Kopchak O.O., Bachinskaya N.U. Clinical Neurology: Course of Lectures – “Book-plus”, 2021. – 192 p. The department has a student research group in the disciplines of “Psychiatry” and “Medical Psychology”. The participants take an active part in all-Ukrainian student scientific conferences.
Areas of scientific work of the staff of the department: multiple sclerosis; vascular diseases; cognitive disorders in diseases of the nervous system, somatoneurology. More than 30 copyright certificates and patents were received by the staff; three doctoral and five PhD dissertations were defended. The staff of the department has published more than 1000 scientific papers and delivered reports at conferences, symposia at various levels, including international ones. The department has organized a number of scientific and practical conferences, including “Cognitive disorders in neurology” (2017), “Current issues of psychiatric and drug treatment in Ukraine and around the world. Personality-oriented therapy” (2017), “Human and medicine” (2018, 2019). The department cooperates with the Department of Aging Physiology and Pathology of the Nervous System of the State Institution “D.F. Chebotaryov Institute of Gerontology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, and the Kyiv City Center of Multiple Sclerosis, performing common scientific topics. The department is actively involved in international cooperation in joint projects on mental health issues with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim). Since 2022 the head of the department and guidance counselor improve their skills as part of the foreign internship Ukraine Digital – Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education provided by Institut für Didaktik und Ausbildungsforschung der LMU München. Department employees are current active members of European Academy of Neurology (EAN). The staff members are authors of textbook “Course of lectures on neurology” in Ukrainian and English languages. Employees of the department provide psychological assistance to military personnel.
The main clinical bases of the department are:
The staff of the department constantly provides medical-diagnostic and consultative assistance to patients of neurological and psychiatric profile: performs visits to patients in departments, conducts consultative reception. The Ukrainian Medical Center of Sports Medicine provides medical care to athletes in the clinic.
The Department of Neurology was founded in 1995 by Ph.D of Medical Sciences, Docent Oleksandr Yakovlevich Telengatorб author and co-author of 245 published scientific and methodological works. Therefore, the Department of Psychiatry opened its doors in 1996. Since then and until now, the disciplines “Psychiatry”, “Narcology”, “Medical Psychology” are taught on the basis of KCCH №1. The staff of the department are the followers of the so-called Scientific School of Psychiatry, which was formed in 1863 and headed in Moscow by Professors S.S. Korsakov, P.B. Hannushkin, and in Kyiv by J.P. Frumkin and G.L. Voronkov. Students of this school became the first employees of the department, Doctors of Medical Sciences G.K. Dzyub, I.V. Kruk, T.O. Pushkareva, PhDs of medical sciences. S.O. Malyarov, V.O. Protsyk. The course of Medical Psychology, later the course of Medical Deontology were taught by the assistant O.V. Shklyarevska. The first head of the department was a student of J.P. Frumkin and G.L. Voronkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Hryhoriy Kostiantynovych Dziub. In 2000, the Department of Neurology became part of the united Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Reflex and Manual Therapy, which was headed by a corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Eugenia Leonidovna Macheret. From 2013 to 2017, the head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mykhailo Mykolayovych Matyash, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, author of more than 100 scientific works. Since 2017, the work of the department is managed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Oksana Kopchak.
Head of the Department
![]() Oksana Kopchak
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