Department of Internal Medicine

Hemadii Taktashov, MD, professor

The topic of the PhD thesis in the specialty 14.01.02 – internal diseases: “Hypertension in gout” (1996)

The topic of the MD thesis in the specialty 01.14.12 – rheumatology: “Respiratory dysfunction in chronic rheumatic heart disease: connection with ecology, diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment” (2016)

Author and co-author of more than 203 scientific, pedagogical, and educational-methodical works, including 6 articles in publications that are included in the international scientific and metric database Scopus and Web of Science, 1 monograph, 2 patents for a useful model, 9 training manuals, including the seal of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Member of the specialized scientific council D.11.600.04, co-executor of the comprehensive scientific and research works. Academic supervisor of 3 applicants who defended scientific works and received the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Member of 2 editorial boards, including of the professional journal “HERALD OF PANCREATIC CLUB “.

The member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Ukraine, the member of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the member of the scientific organization “Center of Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation”.

Cardiologist of the highest category, therapist of the highest category, rheumatologist.

Taktashov Hemadii Saitovych – Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, holds lectures to interns in the specialty “Internal Diseases” and 4-5-year students of internal medicine and also holds seminars with interns and practical classes in internal medicine and general practice (family medicine) with 4-6-year students of the medical faculty

Hrona Nataliia Vasylivna – PhD of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, responsible for holding lectures and classes in internal medicine, endocrinology and general practice (family medicine) with 4-6-year English-speaking students of international faculty

Kiva Oleksii Yosypovych – PhD of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, holds practical classes with interns in the specialty “Internal Diseases” and 6-year students of the medical faculty in general practice (family medicine)

Solomko Olena Volodymyrivna – PhD of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, holds lectures and practical classes with English-speaking students at the Polish campus of the KMU

Zharka Anastasia Yuriivna – PhD of Medical Sciences, Assistant, holds practical classes in internal medicine with 4th-year students of the Medical Faculty

Voloshyn Yaroslav Volodymyrovych – Assistant, holds lectures and practical classes in endocrinology with 4th-year students of the Medical and Dental Faculties, as well as practical classes in internal medicine with 4th-year students and general practice (family medicine) with 6th-year students of the Medical Faculty

The department teaches the following compulsory educational components:

Internal medicine for the 4th year students of the Medical faculty and Englishspeaking students of the International faculty with the specialty “Medicine” – 150 hours / 5 credits (lectures, practical classes and independent work of students).

Internal medicine for the 5th year students of the Medical faculty and Englishspeaking students of the International faculty with the specialty “Medicine” – 150 hours / 5 credits (lectures, practical classes, independent work of students).

Endocrinology for the 4th year students of the Medical faculty and English-speaking students of the International faculty with the specialty “Medicine” – 60 hours / 2 credits (lectures, practical classes, independent work of students).

Endocrinology for the 4th year students of the faculty of Dentistry and English-speaking students of the International faculty with the specialty “Dentistry” – 30 hours / 1 credit (lectures, practical classes, independent work of students).

General practice (family medicine) for the 6th year students of the Medical faculty and English-speaking students of the International faculty with the specialty “Medicine” – 135 hours / 4.5 credits (practical classes, independent work of students).

The department conducts postgraduate training for interns in the specialty “Internal Medicine”.

Material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for departments of higher educational medical institutions. Сurriculums and syllabuses, methodological guidelines and recommendations for students and teachers in Ukrainian and English have been created to help students master study programs in all academic disciplines. Step-bystep algorithms for practicing practical skills in physical examination of a patient have been developed. Employees of the department are authors and co-authors of more than 15 training manuals.

Employees of the department constantly improve their level of teaching, namely in higher education pedagogy. They take part in educational-methodical and scientific-practical conferences, including with reports, undergo scientific pedagogical training, are valid members of scientific-pedagogical associations.

The main methods of teaching disciplines at the department are lectures, practical classes and independent work of students. For the discipline of general practice (family medicine) lectures are not provided. Interactive learning methods (“case-studies”, “brain storm”, business game, work in small groups, etc.), online platforms (AMBOSS, CASUS, ClinCaseQuest, Osmosis) and virtual computer multimedia programs are used in practical classes.

The scientific and research work of the department is aimed at the development and implementation of the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with a rheumatological profile with comorbid conditions, the clarification of pathogenetic mechanisms, the influence of the environment, as well as the study and optimization of a personalized approach to the management of patients with combined pathology of the cardiovascular system and the determination of aspects of preventive medicine.

Scientific-pedagogical employees of the department of the department are authors and co-authors of more than 700 scientific works, invention patents and utility model certificates, among which, over the past 5 years, 7 scientific articles have been published in publications included in the international scientific and metric database Scopus and Web of Science:

Жданюк Ю.И., Гомозова Е.А., Лесниченко Д.А., Такташов Г.С. Иммунологическая диагностика поражений миокарда, вызванных энтеровирусной инфекцией // Лікарська справа. Врачебное дело. 2017. № 1–2. С. 55–60 (Scopus).

Губергриц Н.Б., Такташов Г.С., Супрун А.А., Беляева Н.В. Подводные рифы протоков Вирсунга и Санторини (об истории открытия протоковой системы поджелудочной железы). // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. 2017. Вып. 147, № 11.С. 105–110 (Scopus).

Characteristics of articular syndrome in systemic vasculitis / Syniachenko O., Khaniukov O., Yehudina Ye. [et all.] // Georgian Medical News. 2017. Vol. 273, N 12. P. 69-75 (Scopus).

Связь эффективности лечения больных анкилозирующим спондилитом с состоянием костного метаболизма / Синяченко О. В., Егудина Е. Д., Ермолаева М. В. [и др.] // Запорожский медицинский журнал. 2018. Т. 20, № 2. С. 236-241 (Web of Science).

The state of bone metabolism in lung cancer patients / Y.V. Dumanskyy, O.V. Syniachenko, Ph.A. Stepko [et all.] // Experimental Oncology.2018 (June) 40. P. 136–139 (Scopus).

Vasylyeva І.М et al. The content of prostanoids and cyclooxygenases in colon tissue in experimental ulcerative colitis/ Oksana A. Nakonechna, Liudmyla D. Popova, Olena V. Solomko, Kateryna В. Harbar, Natalia V. Yarmysh //Клінічна медицина.-2023.-№8(30). С. 91-97 (Scopus).

Employees of the department are members of scientific societies and unions in Ukraine and abroad (Association of Rheumatologists of Ukraine, European Society of Cardiologists, “Center of Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation”, etc.), members of the editorial board of specialized medical journals, take part in scientific and practical state and international symposia, conventions, congresses, conferences, forums.

  1. V Міжнародна науково-практична конференція з міжнародною участю «Проблеми, досягнення та перспективи розвитку медико-біологічних і спортивних наук», м. Миколаїв, 24.10.2020 р.
  2. «Євразійський телеміст: «POST-COVID пацієнт у фокусі. «Далекобійники» – хто вони?» м. Київ, 15.04.2021 р.
  3. Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 5th International scientific and practical conference. Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada. 2021.
  4. ESC Congress 2022 Barcelona & Online, Spain, 26 – 29 August 2022 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)
  6. XXIX Міжнародна кардіологічна конференція XXIX Międzynarodowej Konferencji Kardiologicznej „Postępy w rozpoznawaniu i leczeniu chorób serca, płuc i naczyń” oraz towarzyszące jej XXIII Warsztaty Kardiologii Inwazyjnej i Elektroterapii., Забже, Польща, 25.05.-27.05.2022 р.
  7. НПК “Актуальні питання внутрішньої медицини”, 17-18.05.2023 р.
  8. НПК “Коморбідний ендокринологічний пацієнт – 2023. Сесія 4”, 04.10.2023 р.
  9. «International Medical Congress of Silesia SIMC 2023», Katowice, Poland, 17-19.05.2023
  10. «ESC Congress 2023» EACCME European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education Amsterdam & Online, The Netherlands, 25 – 28 August 2023
  12. «Всеукраїнський ревматологічний форум-2023 з міжнародною участю», 25-27.10.2023 р.
  13. Baltic-Ukrainian Atherosclerosis Conference, Tallin, Estonia, 10.11.2023 р.
  14. НПК «Дні гастроентерології в Чернігові» 15-17.02.2024 р.
  15. Українська кардіологічна школа «Серцево-судинні та ревматичні захворювання», 18-19.04.2024 р.
  16. Науково-практична конференція «Пацієнт-орієнтованість сімейного лікаря – крок до євроінтеграції» 6-8 червня 2024 р.

Medical and advisory work is carried out by highly qualified specialists – doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest and first category. Employees of the department provide assistance to patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system with ECG, Holter ECG monitoring and daily blood pressure monitoring, echocardiography, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with endocrine, respiratory pathology, as well as with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Department of Internal Medicine was established at the end of 2022 with the aim of spreading and improving the specialized teaching of the disciplines “Internal Medicine”, “Endocrinology”, “General Practice – Family Medicine” for national and foreign students of 4-6 years of study, interns specializing in “Internal Medicine” and trainees for continuous professional medical development.

The head of the department from the moment of its foundation to the present is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Taktashov Hemadii Saitovych, the author of more than 210 scientific, pedagogical and educational-methodological papers, certificates for inventions, declaratory patents including 6 articles in publications that are included in the international scientific-metric database Scopus and Web of Science.

The staff of the department is represented by employees with many years of scientific, pedagogical and medical experience. Among them Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; Ph.D. of Medical Sciences – 3 employees with the academic rank of associate professor and 2 assistants.

The teachers of the department are authors and co-authors of many educational and methodical works, including textbooks and scientific papers on diagnosis and treatment of current problems in internal medicine.

The general direction of the department’s activities, which concerns the teaching of specialized disciplines, is based on the historical domestic school of internal medicine, taking into account modern international standards and information and technological trends in the formation of the worldview of the future doctor.

Head of the Department
Hemadii Taktashov
Contact information
Address: KNP "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care", Bratislavska str., 3, Kyiv
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