Department of Internal and Occupational DiseasesBatushkin Valerii Volodymyrovych, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Chief editor of the international scientific and practical journal “Cardiology: from science to practice”. He has more than 280 printed works, including international scientific editions «Circulation» (USA), «The New England Journal of Medicine» (USA) ect.), as well as he is the author of 8 patents. The member of Specialized Academic Board of NMAPE of the P.L. Shupyk (specialty “cardiology”, “medical rehabilitation, physiotherapy and spa treatment”, “medical and biological informatics and cybernetics”). He is the head of the cardiology department for patients with acute myocardial infarction with an intensive care unit MNP “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No.5”, has a higher qualification categories in cardiology and anaesthesiology. An active member of leading international professional societies, in particular, an expert of European Society of Cardiology (ESC), member of ESC Council on stroke, current member of the ESC Association for Acute Cardiovascular Care (ACVC), Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA), European association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) and European Association of Recovery Specialists (EARS). Experience in practical medicine – 34 years. He began his professional career as a doctor in the city polyclinic of the city of Cherkassy.
I) Discipline taught in the Department of Internal and Occupational Diseases during the 2018/2019 academic year (Order dated 14.08.19 No. 190 “On the assignment of disciplines to the departments of the university”, Order dated 14.09.18 No.230 “On the appointment of responsible departments of the University for conducting practical training”): 1.Medical and faculty for work with foreign students 1.1. Propedeutics of internal medicine (3rd year) 1.2. Internal medicine (4-6 years) 1.3. Endocrinology (4th year) 1.4. General practice – family medicine (6th year) 1.5. Clinical immunology and allergology (5th year) 1.6. Medical genetics (5th year) 1.7. Occupational diseases (5th year) 1.8. Radiation medicine (5th year) 1.9. Radiology (3rd year) 1.10. Training of reserve officers in the field of “Healthcare” (higher education degree “Master”) (2nd year) 1.11. Practical trainings: – Patient care (2nd year) – Nursing practice (3rd year) – Medical practice in hospital (4th year) – Medical policlinic practice (5th year)
2.1. Propedeutics of internal medicine (3rd year) 2.2. Internal medicine (3,4 years) 2.3. Training of reserve officers in the field of “Healthcare” 2.4. Practical training: – Patient care (2nd year)
“Internal Diseases” – interns of the 1st and 2nd years of study; “General practice – family medicine” – interns of the 1st and 2nd years of study.
III) Department provides with education in clinical residency – 2 clinical residents of the 1st and 2nd years of the English-language form of study.
The material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for the departments of higher educational medical institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation. A number of textbooks and methodological recommendations have been published, in particular: 1.Batushkin V.V., Mehel V.P., Lavrinchuk I.O. “Emergency conditions in clinic of internal diseases” – Manual for emergency physicians and clinicians in different fields – K.: 2017. 2. Batushkin V.V., Mozhdekhi Z.K. “General Care of a Patient” (in English)/ Guidance for clinicians in different fields – K.: 2017. 3. Puzanov O.H., Batushkin V.V. “Propaedeutics of rheumatic diseases. Training manual.” – K.: 2019. 4. Puzanova O. H., Batushkin V. V. “Reumatic diseases basics of diagnosis” – K.:2019 5. Training manual for interns – P.S. Nazar “The most common diseases among the internal organs” (from the point of view of clinical physiology). Course of lectures. – K.: 2019. 6. Training manual labelled with MES of Ukraine – Nazar P.S., Shevchenko O.O. “Applied immunology”. – K.: Society “Publishing house Stal”, – 2013 – 626 pages. 7. Training manual labelled with MES of Ukraine No. 1/11-13012 dated 13.08.2014 – Nazar P.S., Kotko D.M., Shevchenko O.O., Chaban T.I. “Age features of motor activity”. – K.: 2016.
Areas of research of the department are: “ Clinical and instrumental features of comorbid pathology of internal organs, their correction and prognosis”. Since the establishment of the department more than 650 scientific papers have been published and a large number of reports have been prepared at forums of various levels, in which the staff of the department regularly participate annually, in particular: – at the XII annual meeting of the Ukrainian Atherosclerosis Society “The latest achievements in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease” (21.11.18, Kyiv city), – at the annual National Medical Congress with international participation “Man and Medicines”, – at international forums on heart failure, – at scientific forums with international participation of the Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine of Ukraine, among others – at scientific event with international participation “Modern theoretical and practical aspects in solving the sequence of implementation of “Strategy for the Development of Traditional and Alternative Medicine” at primary link of health care” (26.10.18, Kyiv city), – at XIX National Congress of Cardiologists of Ukraine (26-28.09.18, Kyiv city), – at the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Actual issues of psychiatric care in Ukraine and the world. A personality-orientational psychotherapy” (20.10.17, Kyiv city), – at XVI international scientific conference, dedicated to the memory of the founder and head of Private higher educational establishment “Kyiv Medical University of Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine” Pokanevych Valerii Volodymyrovych “The latest factors of personality formation of future healthcare professionals” (23.03.16, Kyiv city) – at annual scientific and practical conferences with international participation, dedicated to the World Kidney Day, – at All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences on the issues of civil protection of the population and life safety, – at All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences on the issues of humanitarian dimensions of the transformation of modern higher medical education in Ukraine, – in addition, the area of professional interests of the staff of the department is the issue of orphan metabolic pathology – one of the scientific events on this issue is scientific and practical conference with international participation “Problems of hereditary and multifactorial pathology. Orphan metabolic diseases” (to the 100th anniversary of the founding of NMAPE of the P.L. Shupyk) (20.04.18, Kyiv city).
Clinical bases of the Department: 1. Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No.5 (03115, Кyiv city, Vidpochynku Street, 11) – Therapeutic department №1; – Therapeutic department №2 with beds of occupational pathology of the City Center of Occupational Pathology; – Cardiology department; – Cardiology department for patients with acute myocardial infarction with an intensive care unit; – Neurological department with an intensive care unit; – Infectious disease department for HIV/AIDS patients with an intensive care ward (Building of the Kyiv Municipal AIDS Centre); – Infectious disease department for patients with viral hepatitis (Laboratory building of the Kyiv Municipal AIDS Centre); 2. Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No.11 of Dniprovskyi district of the city of Kyiv (02000, Kyiv city, Rohozivska Street, 6) – Therapeutic department; – Hospital department for veterans of World War II; – Neurological department. 3. State Enterprise “Road Clinical Hospital No.2 of the station Kyiv of the State Territorial Branch of the South-Western Railway” (03049, Kyiv city, Povitroflotskyi prospect, 9) – polyclinic. 4. National Cancer Institute of Ministry of Health of Ukraine (03022, Kyiv city, Lomonosova Street, 33/43) – Research department of radiation diagnostics, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine – Research department of nuclear medicine (Department of Radionuclide Diagnostics and Therapy)
Department of Internal and Occupational Diseases is one of the therapeutic departments of higher medical educational institutions in Ukraine. It was founded in 1992. During the 26-year history of the department, it was headed by famous doctors and scientists: from 1992 to 1994 – professor, doctor of medical sciences Lyzohub V.H., from 1994 to 2001 – professor, doctor of medical sciences Nazar P.S., author of more than 280 printed scientific works, from 2002 to 2015 – professor, doctor of medical sciences Chaban T.I., each of which left a bright mark in the history of the department, and we are rightfully proud of them. Through these scientists, the latest achievements of world medicine were constantly introduced into teaching at the department in their time, and publishing activities were and are being carried out. Among the published number of textbooks and methodological recommendations, the following can be distinguished: 1. Training manual for interns – P.S. Nazar “The most common diseases among the internal organs” (from the point of view of clinical physiology). Course of lectures. – K.: 2012. 2. Training manual labelled with MES of Ukraine No. 1/11-13012 dated 13.08.2014 – Nazar P.S., Kotko D.M., Shevchenko O.O., Chaban T.I. “Age features of motor activity”. – K.: 2016. 3. Training manual labelled with MES of Ukraine – Nazar P.S., Shevchenko O.O. “Applied immunology”. – K.: Society “Publishing house Stal”, – 2013 – 626 pages. From 2015 to date, head of Department is Batushkin Valerii Volodymyrovych, professor, doctor of medical sciences, chief editor of the international scientific and practical journal “Cardiology: from science to practice”, author of more than 280 printed works including international scientific editions «Circulation» (USA), «The New England Journal of Medicine» (USA) ect.), as well as he is the author of 8 patents, member of Specialized Academic Board of NMAPE of the P.L. Shupyk (specialty “cardiology”, “medical rehabilitation, physiotherapy and spa treatment”, “medical and biological informatics and cybernetics”). Today, the department of Internal and Occupational Diseases is a close-knit team of physician-researchers, like-minded people, striving for continuous improvement of medical knowledge, the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of internal organs. Some scientific works and training manuals published by the staff of the department under the guidance of Batushkin V.V.: 1.Batushkin V.V., Mehed P.I., Lavrinchuk I.O. “Emergency conditions in clinic of internal diseases” – Manual for emergency physicians and clinicians in different fields – K.: 2017. 2. Batushkin V.V., Mozhdekhi Z.K. “General Care of a Patient” (in English)/ Guidance for clinicians in different fields – K.: 2017. 3. Batushkin V.V. “Implementation of the antiarrhythmic effect, restoration of vagosympathetic balance and harmonization of the psycho-emotional state with the help of a combined medicinal product – plant origin – Karvelis drug. – International scientific and practical journal “Cardiology: from science to practice” No. 27(3), pp. 104-114. 4. Batushkin V.V., Solonynka H.Y. “Use of digoxin in cardiology practice” – International scientific and practical journal “Cardiology: from science to practice” No.1(25), pp. 53-70. 5. Batushkin V.V., Konstantinides S., Kuznietsova S.M. and others “Thromboprophylaxis in Ukraine: current global trends.” – “Health of Ukraine”/ Thematic issue “Cardiology. Rheumatology. Cardiosurgery, No.5 (54), November 2017. 6. Batushkin V.V., Lavrinchuk I.O. “Restoration of indicators of vegetative balance and harmonization of the function of cerebral and subcortical structures by modulating GABA in patients with arterial hypertension” – Zaporizhzhzia Medical Journal. – 2017. – V.19. No.4(103). – pp.390-394. From 2015 to date the department assistant principal is Lavrinchuk I.O., assistant professor, candidate of medical sciences. The department conducts not only scientific work within the framework of the research work of the department, but in every possible way supports student scientific work, which brings its results, namely: – Participation of students in the I stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad – under the guidance of the assistant of the department Holovatskoi L.O. in “Clinical Immunology and Allergology” and under the guidance of the assistant of the department, candidate of medical sciences Ziablytseva D.S. from “Endocrinology” in 2017 and 2018 took a prize-winning places. Assistant professor of the Department, candidate of medical sciences Solonynka H.Y. is Head of the Department for practical training of Private higher educational establishment “Kyiv Medical University” and responsible for carrying out summer practice training at the Department, head of the therapeutic department of KGKB No. 11, member of the Council of the Separate Division of the National Medical Chamber of Ukraine in Dniprovskyi district of the city of Kyiv. The department conducts teaching of clinical disciplines at well-equipped clinical bases – leading medical institutions in Kyiv: Kyiv City Clinical Hospitals No. 5 and No. 11, Road Clinical Hospital No.2 of the station Kyiv of the State Territorial Branch of the South-Western Railway, National Cancer Institute of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The creative work of the department staff is aimed at further improving the training of specialists, which is planned to be implemented through the improvement of the methodological support of the educational process, its further computerization, improving pedagogical skills, improvement of the material base of the department, introduction of innovative teaching methods and intensification of scientific research.
Head of the Department
![]() Valerii Batushkin
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