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Rules for Admission to Clinical Residency for Foreign Citizens

Admission to the clinical residency for foreign citizens is governed by the Residency Regulation, approved by Order No. 1254 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated June 22, 2021 (with amendments and additions).

Foreign citizens must submit copies of the following documents for admission to residency:

  • Passport
  • Taxpayer identification card
  • Diploma with appendices from a Ukrainian higher education institution in the field of knowledge “22 Health Care” or in the specialties of the field of knowledge 1201 “Medicine” or a nostrified diploma from another country (the procedure for recognition of foreign diplomas can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at the link:
  • KROK 1 and KROK 2 certificates (if available)
  • Certificate confirming contract-based education
  • Permanent or temporary residence permit in Ukraine, covering the duration of residency training
  • Certificate of proficiency in the state language or a certificate from a Ukrainian school indicating the study of the Ukrainian language (registration for the exam can be done at:
  • Permission from the Ministry of Health (if the diploma was obtained three or more years ago) (application can be submitted on the Ministry of Health website at:

Additionally, an application for admission and four 3*4 photos must be submitted.

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