Department of Surgical Diseases №1Volodymyr Skyba, MD, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine. Volodymyr Skyba has been working at the Higher School of Ukraine for 30 years, in particular at the Kyiv Medical University for 25 years. In 1977, after graduating from the Crimean Medical Institute with a degree in “medical business”, he was enrolled in the position of junior researcher at the Kiev Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery. From November 1983 – junior, and from February 1984 – senior researcher at the Department of General Surgery of Kyiv Medical Institute named after Acad. OO Bogomolets. In November 1984 he was elected to the position of assistant of the Department of General Surgery of the Kyiv Medical Institute. Doctor of Medical Sciences, defended his dissertation on January 19, 1990. Since January 1995 – Professor of General Surgery of the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine. Since 1995 – Head of the Department of Surgery. In 1997 he received the title of professor at the Department of General Surgery. From 1999 to 2012, he was a part-time vice-rector for medical work at Kyiv Medical University. Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol of Ukraine Prize named after M. Ostrovsky. He was awarded a diploma of the II degree of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Surgeons for the work “Complex detoxification support of operations on the organs of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone in patients with mechanical jaundice” at the competition of young surgeons (1990). He was awarded a diploma of the Health Department of the Kyiv City Council of People’s Deputies and the city committee of the trade union of medical workers for the development and implementation of new methods of surgical treatment of mechanical jaundice, presented at the ENEA “Completed scientific and technical developments” (April 1988). He was awarded a diploma of the Kyiv City Council NTT for his great contribution to solving the problems of technical re-equipment of medicine and active participation in the organization of the target exhibition “Science and Production – Health Care”. He was awarded a diploma and a medal of the ENEA of the USSR, the medal “Inventor of the USSR”. During the last 18 years Volodymyr Skyba continues to work successfully as the head of the Department of Surgical Diseases of Kyiv Medical University. He has prepared four textbooks on surgery for students and interns in the specialty “surgery”. As a scientist he is the author of more than 290 publications, 30 copyright certificates and patents of the USSR and Ukraine, prepared 1 doctor of sciences and 6 candidates of medical sciences. Currently, 4 candidate dissertations are being completed under his supervision. Elected a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, a member of the International Association of Hepatological Surgeons, and the American Association of Research Surgeons. Volodymyr Skyba is a highly qualified surgeon of the highest category in the field of diseases of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, especially the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. He is the head of the surgical clinic of Darnytskyi district of Kyiv. He is a member of the Academic Council of Kyiv Medical University, a member of the Board of the Scientific Society of Surgeons of Kyiv and Kyiv region, a member of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, a member of the Specialized Academic Council of the National Medical University OO Bogomolets majoring in “surgery” and editor of the journal “Almanac of Clinical Surgery”.
The department has 4 professors, 7 associate professors, 6 assistants. In particular, among them: – Skiba V.V, doctor of medical sciences, professor; – Lysaychuk Y.S, doctor of medical sciences, professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 1996 “For development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of peripheral nervous system injuries, organization of specialized care in Ukraine”; – Kolesnikov E.B, doctor of medical sciences, professor; – Bablyak O.D, doctor of medical sciences, professor; – Stadnyk V.Ya., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Medical Faculty; – Yatsyshyn I.V, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Surgeon of the highest qualification category, Member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons; – Ivanko A.V, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Physician of KMCL №1; – Pavlichenko L.M, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; – Gryb O.M, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; – Shvets I.V, assistant of the department; – Stepanyuk A.V, Assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases №1 – is responsible for teaching the discipline “Emergency and emergency care”; – Tarapon O. Yu., Assistant of the department, doctor-surgeon-endoscopist; – Noga D.A – is responsible for the educational part of the English-language form of education; – Homan А.V. – is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the site of the department and the 4th year students; – Kovalchuk V.S – is responsible for the 3rd year students; – Buchneva-Kirichenko L.V – is responsible for teaching the discipline “Training of reserve officers”; – Yatsyshyn I.V – is responsible for the 6th year students, head of the department;
The department teaches surgery, microsurgery, urology, pediatric surgery, POS, plastic and reconstructive surgery with elements of microsurgery, as well as English-speaking students, elective courses. Postgraduate training in the course of surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care in clinical residency and graduate school.
The material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for the departments of higher educational medical institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation. A number of textbooks, methodical recommendations, as well as materials on the following thematic areas have been published: new methods of treatment of diabetic foot, surgery of arteries and veins, all methods of laparoscopic operations.
The department performs scientific work: “Develop and improve new technologies for diagnosis and surgery in patients with combined surgical pathology”. Areas of scientific work of the department are: hepatobiliary surgery, reconstructive urology, vascular surgery, diabetic foot surgery. During the existence of the department more than 700 works have been published and a large number of reports have been prepared at scientific and practical events of various levels, including international ones; 26 copyright certificates and patents were received; 8 doctoral dissertations and 14 candidate dissertations were defended, 2 candidate dissertations were completed. Due to the practical significance of scientific research, the results of treatment of patients with various surgical pathologies have been significantly improved. Employees of the department regularly participate in conferences and congresses of various levels.
The department conducts medical work in medical institutions of the city. The main bases of the department are KMKL №1, where annually medical and consultative care is provided to 2500 patients, and 1800 surgical interventions.
The Department of Surgical Diseases was established in 1993. The clinical base of the Department of Surgical Diseases is the surgical departments of general and vascular surgery and the Department of Purulent Surgery of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital. The following disciplines are taught at the department: surgery; pediatric surgery, ENMD, anesthesiology, oncology, urology. The main directions of scientific activity of the staff of the department, headed by Professor Skyba are: • development of new methods of surgical treatment of gastric ulcer and prevention of postoperative complications • development of new modern means of formation of biliodigestive and pancreatic-digestive anastomoses – SDA for pancreatic tumors • development of new methods of early diagnosis of destructive forms of acute pancreatitis and their rational treatment • development of new means of surgical correction of cosmetic defects using liposculpture, implant transplantation, laser surgery • development of new methods of surgical treatment of ventral hernias in obese patients • development of modern surgical technology in the treatment of thyroid pathology • development of new methods of microwave resonance therapy for peptic ulcer disease and vascular obliterans • development of new methods of microvascular surgery • development of methods of surgical treatment of occlusive-stenotic diseases of arteries in diabetes mellitus • development of a pathogenetically sound algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot syndrome • development and substantiation of methods of segmental liver resections and prostatic access to intrahepatic bile ducts • development of methodological materials for study in medical institutions of higher education Edited by Professor Skyba, in 2007 published “Guide to the standards of medical manipulation techniques and practical skills in general surgery”. The department is known for teaching 3 professors, including 2 state award winners. The department pays attention to the introduction of new technologies: laparoscopic, radiographic, endovascular. |
Head of the Department
![]() Volodymyr Skyba
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