Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and OrthodonticsOlena Patalakha, Ph.D. of Medicine
Responsible for disciplines
The department teaches students of 2-5 courses of the Dental faculty, as well as English-speaking students. The disciplines are propaedeutics of orthopedic dentistry, orthopedic dentistry and orthodontics, and some optional courses. Postgraduate training in field of orthopedic dentistry and orthodontics, training in clinical residency and graduate studies are also conducted. The material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for the departments of higher educational medical institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation. There is a full set of methodological inventions and recommendations, as well as materials on the following topics: gentle methods of dental prosthetics with destroyed bifurcation in abutment teeth, rational orthopedic treatment for secondary maxillofacial deformities, digital technologies in dentistry, cephalometric diagnosis of occlusion anomalies, bite anomalies, syndrome, rational designs of orthodontic appliances, genetic factors in the occurrence of dental anomalies. 4 textbooks were published in Ukrainian and Russian on the following expertises: cephalometric studies, syndromic pathology. 2 monographs on public administration of the health care system in Ukraine were published as well. The topic of the complex research work of the department is «Improving the effectiveness of orthopedic and orthodontic treatment of patients with defects of teeth, dentition, anomalies and deformities of the dental apparatus» (state registration №0106U011147). Employees of the department participate in conferences, congresses and forums of various levels. During the existence of the department, more than 350 scientific works have been published; 23 copyright certificates and patents have been obtained; 1 doctoral and 7 PhD theses were defended. Thanks to the practical significance of scientific research, the results of treatment of patients with dental anomalies and deformities, as well as those with defects of teeth and dentitions of varying severity, have been improved. The department conducts its medical work primarily at Dental Center «UNIVERSITETSKIY» and its own clinical offices. Patients are provided with medical and counseling care. Particular attention is paid to patients with syndromic pathology. On the base of Dental Center «UNIVERSITETSKIY», with the participation of Prof. Svitlana Doroshenko and the department’s staff, the «Syndromic Pathology» Center was created. It provides orthodontic and orthopedic care to patients with this dental pathology who from all cities and regions of Ukraine. The Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics at Kyiv Medical University (formerly the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine) was established in 1994. From 1994 to 2005, the department was headed by Professor O. Mirza, who was also the dean of the dental faculty of that university. Well-known teachers and clinicians, such as Associate professors V. Pinchuk, G. Liutik, A. Zvolinskaya, worked at the department at that time. From 2005 to 2007, V. Bida became the head of the department. From 2007 to present, the department is headed by Professor S. Doroshenko, who previously worked at the National Medical University for 40 years (1965-2005), first at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry (until 1982), and then at the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry (as graduate student, assistant, and later as an associate professor), acting as head of the department. From 1993 to 2005, she also performed the duties of a freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in orthodontics, meaning she was the first Chief Orthodontist of Ukraine. From 2005 to 2018, the staff of the department defended 8 candidate and 11 master’s theses. Currently, the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics employs 20 teachers, including 5 associate professors and 15 assistants. 7 of them have PhD in Medicine and 5 MDs. In 2018, 1 doctoral dissertation on public administration was defended by Associate professor E. Kulginsky. Associate professors Among the associate professors, there is a veteran of the department, I. Pechkovska, who has been working in it since 1996 as an assistant at first, and since 2014 as an associate professor. In 1986, she graduated from the dental faculty of Bogomolets NMU; from 1994 to 1996, she studied in the clinical residency of NMU at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry. From 1996 to 2002, she was the head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of Kyiv Medical University. In 2014, she defended her PhD dissertation on the topic: “Comparative characteristics of the use of tires made of composite materials reinforced with fiberglass in the complex treatment of generalized periodontitis.” In 2014-2015, she was the dean of the Dental faculty. In 2013 she acquired the highest medical category in orthopedic dentistry. She is author and co-author of 44 scientific works (25 of them in journals approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, 2 – in foreign publications, and 1 in English), and 5 patents for the invention. Associate Professor O. Saranchuk graduated in 2002 from the dental faculty of Bogomolets NMU, took an active part in the scientific student group of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry, and from 2002 to 2004 she studied in an internship on the basis of this department. Since 2005 he has been an assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of Kyiv Medical University. In 2013 she defended her PhD thesis on “Features of orthodontic and orthopedic treatment of children with periodontal disease”, and in 2015 was awarded the title of associate professor and transferred to the position of associate professor. From 2008 to 2013 she was the Secretary of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Dentistry, and from 2013 to 2015 – the Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the Kyiv Medical University. Author and co-author of 19 scientific papers (18 of them in professional journals), 3 patents for inventions and utility models. She took an active part in scientific and practical conferences abroad, in particular in California (2014). Associate professor S. Germanchuk graduated in 2002 from the dental faculty of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy in Poltava. In 2002-2004 he studied in an internship and a master’s degree at the Department of Postgraduate Education of Orthopedic Dentists at this academy, and in 2004 he received a master’s degree in orthopedic dentistry. From 2004 to 2017 he worked at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of PHEE “Kyiv Medical University”, first as an assistant, since 2013 as an associate professor, and now part-time. In 2013 he defended his dissertation on “Pathological changes in the hard tissues of the teeth due to the use of fixed structures of dentures, and their prevention.” In 2015 he received the academic title of associate professor. Since 2017 he has been studying for a doctorate at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of the Institute of Dentistry of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. P.L. Shupika. The topic of the doctoral dissertation “Clinical and experimental substantiation of orthopedic treatment of periodontal diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus”. He has the highest qualification category of dentist-orthopedist. Author and co-author of 30 scientific papers and 1 patent. Associate professor E. Kulginsky graduated from the dental faculty of the National Medical University named after OO Bogomolets in 2005, took an active part in the scientific student group of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry. From 2005 to 2007 studied in an internship on the basis of this university. Since 2007 he has been a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of Kyiv Medical University, from 2008 to 2009 he was an assistant trainee, from 2010 he was an assistant, from 2013 he was an associate professor of this department. In 2007 he graduated from the specialization courses in orthodontics on the basis of NMAPE named after P. Shupyk. In 2010 he defended his dissertation on the topic: “Improvement of differential diagnosis and features of treatment of children with various forms of dental retention.” From 2013 to the present he works as an associate professor of the department, and in 2014. awarded the academic title of associate professor. In 2018 he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Strategies for the development of public administration of public health in Ukraine in the context of European integration”, obtaining a doctorate in public administration. Author and co-author of 2 textbooks (“Fundamentals of Teleradiography” and “Lateral Teleradiography”), 4 patents and 12 scientific articles on orthodontics. There are 25 scientific works on public administration, including 2 monographs and 1 textbook. and “Lateral Teleradiography”), 4 patents and 12 scientific articles on orthodontics. There are 25 scientific works on public administration, including 2 monographs and 1 textbook. and “Lateral Teleradiography”), 4 patents and 12 scientific articles on orthodontics. There are 25 scientific works on public administration, including 2 monographs and 1 textbook. Associate professor S. Irha graduated from the dental faculty of Kyiv Medical University in 2006. In 2009, after completing an internship at the NMU named after OO Bogomolets was enrolled in the position of assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics, KMU, where he still works. In the same year he took specialization courses in “Orthopedic Dentistry” on the basis of NMAPE named after PL Shupika. In 2017 he defended his dissertation on “Preparation of tooth roots for orthopedic treatment based on the selected design” and was elected associate professor of orthopedic dentistry and orthodontics, “KMU”, since 2017 head of the department. Author and co-author of 14 published scientific articles and 2 utility model patents. Associate Professor I. Melnyk graduated from the dental faculty of Bogomolets NMU named after in 2000 with honors, and from 2000 to 2002 she studied in an internship at this university. From 2005 to 2007 she studied in a clinical residency at the Department of Dentistry IS NMAPE named after P. Shupik. In 2008 she defended her dissertation on the topic: “Treatment of the vestibular position of the canines using modern positioners.” Since 2016, he has been an assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics at Kyiv Medical University. In 2018 she passed advanced training courses in the specialty “Orthodontics”, was awarded the first qualification category. Author and co-author of 5 scientific publications and 1 patent. Associate Professor of the Department since 2019. Assistants Assistant Makhnitsky DM graduated from the dental faculty of the National Medical University named after OO Bogomolets in 2006 with honors, and from 2006 to 2008 he studied in an internship. Since 2009 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of Kyiv Medical University. In 2012 he completed a cycle of specialization in “Orthopedic Dentistry” at the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy in Poltava. In 2017 he defended his dissertation on the topic: “Prevention and treatment of secondary dental deformities in children and adolescents caused by early tooth loss.” Author and co-author of 16 scientific publications and 2 patents. Assistant Fedorova OV graduated in 2000 from Kyiv Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry. From 2000 to 2001 she studied at the internship of KMAPE named after PL Shupyka, specialized in orthopedic dentistry. Since 2004 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics, Kyiv Medical University. Dentist of the highest category. In 2013 she was enrolled as a part-time graduate student of this department. Completes the candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “Optimization of diagnosis and treatment of patients with secondary dental deformities”. Author and co-author of 16 scientific publications (6 articles, 11 abstracts) and 3 patents. Assistant Tyron OV graduated in 2002 from the National Medical University named after OO Bogomolets dental faculty. From 2002 to 2003 she studied at the internship of KMAPE named after PL Shupyka and received a specialization in therapeutic dentistry. From 2003 to 2004 she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics, Kyiv Medical University (formerly MI UAFM), and from 2004 to present she is an assistant at this department. In 2005 she specialized in orthopedic dentistry at KMAPE named after P.L. Shupika. Co-author of 5 scientific papers and 1 patent. Assistant Pavlik AV in 2004 he graduated from Kyiv Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2006 he continued his internship at the Department of Dentistry of KMAPE named after P.L. Shupika. From 2005 to present, he is an assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of the Kyiv State University. In 2010 he specialized in Orthopedic Dentistry, and in 2014 received a certificate of dentist-orthopedist. He graduated from advanced training in the specialty “Psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher.” In 2016, he entered the correspondence graduate school of KMU. Performs a candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and laboratory justification of the choice of fixed structures of dentures made by selective laser sintering.” Author and co-author of 5 scientific publications and 1 patent. Assistant Yakovchuk VP graduated with honors in 2009 from the dental faculty of NMU named after OO Worshipers. From 2009 to 2011 he passed an internship at this university. In 2011 he entered the master’s program at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics, KMU, which he graduated in 2013 and confirmed the degree of “Master of Medicine” with the defense of a master’s thesis, while completing a cycle of specialization in “Orthodontics” at the Department of Orthodontics. .L. Shupika. Since 2013, a full-time graduate student of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics, KMU and part-time assistant. Performs a dissertation on the topic: “Features of prevention and treatment of patients with deep occlusion in the age aspect.” Author and co-author of 3 articles, 8 abstracts of reports at scientific and practical conferences with international participation and 3 patents. Assistant I. Chernikov graduated in 2004 from the dental faculty of the KMU, and in 2006 from the internship on the basis of the KMAPE named after P.L. Shupika. From 2007 to present, he is an assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of the Kyiv State University. In 2017 he received the highest medical category in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”. Performs a candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “The use of adhesive systems at the stage of preparation of tooth roots for prosthetics.” Author and co-author of 13 scientific articles and abstracts, as well as 1 patent. Assistant Voloshin VL in 1999 she graduated with honors from the CMU (former KMU UAFM). After graduating in 2000 from the internship on the basis of KMAPE named after PL Shupyka first worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics, KMU, and from 2003 to the present she has been an assistant of the department and for some time she was a head teacher. In 2017 she received the highest medical category in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”. Author and co-author of 6 scientific papers and abstracts. Assistants of the department Zrazhevska A.Yu., Marchenko DO and Savonik SM KMU graduates graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in 2014 and a master’s degree in 2017 with the defense of master’s theses. In 2017, specialization courses were held in the specialty “Orthodontics” on the basis of NMAPE named after PL Shupika. From 2017 to the present, they work as assistants of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Orthodontics of KMU and study in correspondence graduate school of this university, completing PhD theses on the topic: – “Features of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of secondary dental deformities in children.” Artist Zrazhevska A.Yu. – “Prevention, differential diagnosis and features of treatment of canine retention in different periods of formation of the dental apparatus.” Artist Marchenko DO – “Differentiated approach in choosing a method of treatment of defects of the dentition of the frontal area in children and adolescents.” Artist Savonik SM Each of them has 5 published scientific papers and abstracts, as well as poster presentations at scientific and practical conferences and congresses with international participation. |
Head of the Department
![]() Olena Patalakha
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