Department of ChemistryAndriy Gudzenko, MD. The PhD topic: “Pharmacognostic study of the aerial part of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg) and development of methods for analysis of biologically active substances” (2008). The MD topic: “Research of marker substances for the development of methods for quality control of medicinal plants, their mixtures and multicomponent phytopreparations” (2014). Andriy Gudzenko has 17 years of experience in the laboratory for quality control of medicines and five years of experience in examination of the pharmaceutical part of the materials planned for clinical trials in the State Enterprise “Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Author of 108 publications and 17 patents of Ukraine, 2 guidelines for the analysis of drugs approved by the State Enterprise “Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”: Methodical recommendations”,”Chromatographic methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of components of sedative multicomponent phytopreparations. Methodical recommendations”and is the author of the monograph “Pharmacognostic resource science with the basics of plant introduction: a textbook for interns of higher medical and pharmaceutical institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation.” The staff of the department consists of 8 scientific and pedagogical workers and 2 laboratory assistants. Among the teachers: one MD, 4 Associate professors, 2 senior lecturers and 2 assistants.
The following disciplines are taught at the department:
The material and technical equipment of the department meets the standards and requirements for the departments of higher educational medical institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation. There is a complete set of methodological developments and recommendations for the following disciplines:
One textbook in Ukrainian was published. The main directions of scientific work of the department are development of new approaches to the analysis of herbal mixtures, search of markers for standardization of multicomponent medicines of plant origin, research of biologically active substances of medicinal plants, complex pharmacognostic research of medicinal plants and identification of promising plants for introduction into medical practice. and medicines based on medicinal herbal raw materials, development of methods for quality control of herbal raw materials and herbal medicines. Employees of the department during 2010-2020 received 13 patents, published more than 50 articles in professional scientific journals. Employees of the department take part in profile conferences and congresses of different levels, improve their skills in thematic training courses. 2 PhD are performed at the department. Due to the fact that the teachers of the Department of Chemistry have many years of experience in specialized laboratories for quality control of medicines Gudzenko A. (MD), Boldeskul O. (PhD)) emphasis on teaching disciplines studied at the department (analytical chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry) is based on the use of chemical, physical and physico-chemical methods for the analysis of drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients and medicinal substances. Excursions to specialized laboratories dealing with quality control of medicines, in particular, to the State Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines of the State Institution “Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” are regularly organized for students of the Pharmacy Faculty. The Department of Chemistry was established in 1992. The first head of the department was PhD, associate professor Vasyl A. Samarsky, who headed the department in the periods 1992-1996 and 2007-2009. In the period 1997-2006, the head of the Department of Chemistry was Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Tetyana G. Samarska. In the period of 2009-2017, chemical disciplines were taught as a course of chemistry, which was part of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Chemistry (the head of the course was PhD, Associate Professor Vasily A. Samarsky). As an independent subdivision, the Department of Chemistry was established on September 1, 2017 according to the Rector’s Order №323 of September 1, 2017 by reorganizing the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Chemistry. From September 2017 to the present, the head of the department is Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Gudzenko Andriy V. |
Head of the Department
![]() Andriy Gudzenko
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