Department of Ukrainian and Latin Languages

Tamara Kiryk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor.

Tamara Kyrik graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Turkmen State University. M. Gorky (Ashgabat) and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of International Relations of Kyiv State University. Taras Shevchenko (today – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). In 2005 she defended her dissertation on “Pedagogical means of overcoming phonetic interference in Turkic-speaking students in a higher education institution.” A year later she received the academic title of associate professor. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation “Philosophy of Humanitarian and Pedagogical Dimensions of the Modern Paradigm of Higher Medical Education” (specialty “Philosophy of Education”).

  1. Kyrik has been working at the university since 1992.

Since 2006, head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Social Sciences and Humanities.

He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, 12 textbooks, a large number of teaching materials for teachers and students.

During her work at the university she prepared two candidates of sciences. She has repeatedly undergone advanced training abroad.

Currently, the department has qualified teachers, including:  doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences.

  • Tamara Kiryk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Head of the Department
  • K. Korsak, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Head of the Laboratory “Formation of the student’s personality”
  • N. Flegontova, PhD, associate professor
  • O. Lyalina, senior lecturer
  • V.Vykhor, PhD, associate professor
  • M. Boholiubova, senior lecturer
  • G. Rybalko, senior teacher
  • V. Belozerov, senior lecturer
  • Т. Luchenko, senior lecturer
  • L. Rykhlik, senior lecturer
  • K. Bykova, senior lecturer
  • S. Veselovsky, teacher
  • O. Veselovskaya, teacher
  • E. Pavlovsky, assistantent
  • A. Burbeza, assistantent

The following educational components are taught at the department of Ukrainian and Latin languages: “Ukrainian language as professional”, “Ukrainian language as a foreign language”, “Latin language”, “Latin language and basics of medical terminology”. Elective educational components: “Physical education”, “Athletics”, “Mass media education”, “Introduction to the theory of scientific research”, “Linguistic studies”.

Since 2006, the department has been working with the student scientific circle “Genius loci” and the laboratory “Formation of the personality of the student-future doctor”, within the framework of which various meetings of the scientific community are organized and held every year, questionnaires are conducted among students, the latest technologies of media education are introduced, textbooks are published, methodological manuals, monographs.

IIn recent years, employees of the department have developed and published a number of textbooks, manuals, syllabi, curricula, and methodical recommendations, including: “Fundamentals of Pedagogy” (T.V. Kirik, 2015), “Fundamentals of Psychology” (T.V. Kirik, 2018), Flegontova N.M. “Ukrainian language. Scientific style of language: workshop (Kiev, 2020), “Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students of Ukrainian as a foreign language” (T. V. Kirik, O. O. Lyalina, N. M. Flegontova, M. M. Bogolyubova, O. V. Chertkova , V.G. Vykhor); “Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students of the Ukrainian language as professional” (T.V. Kirik, O.O. Lyalina, N.M. Flegontova, M.M. Bogolyubova, V.G. Vykhor), ” Methodological guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students of the Latin language” (T. V. Kirik, O. I. Yarantseva, N. V. Davydenko, L. V. Redko-Shpak, T. L. Lushchenko), ” Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for foreign (English) language students” (T. V. Kirik, I. K. Shevchuk, M. I. Mykhailiuk), “Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics ” (T. V. Kirik, S. P. Pylypenko, B. O. Nosach), “Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students on the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, the culture of mental work, psychology of communication, the basics of pedagogy and psychology” (T. V. Kirik, I. K. Shevchuk, O. M. Osnach), “Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students of medical jurisprudence” (G. V. Mulyar, O. M. Osnach), “Methodical guidelines for teachers, methodological recommendations for students in physical education” (G. M. Rybalko, V. O. Bilozyorov), the newest direction of modern teaching methods in higher education is being developed, components media didactics – wiki didactics, blog didactics, site didactics and others (Prof. G.V. Onkovich). The materials are designed for use by teachers and students in independent work in Ukrainian and English and on the PrEham platform.

All teachers of the department constantly improve their professional qualifications, take part in webinars, round tables, etc.

The scientific work of the department is focused on working out a wide range of social and humanitarian problems. So, today the department’s employees are working on the topic “Didactic technologies of student personality development by means of media education”, which is registered in the R&D system and assigned the registration number 0121U110841.  (leader – Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor T.V. Kirik, Responsible Prof. Korsak K.V.).

During the existence of the department, its employees published more than 2,000 scientific papers and prepared a large number of reports delivered at forums and conferences of various levels. Participation in meetings of the scientific community both in Ukraine and abroad is an integral part of the department’s work. The department pays a lot of attention to educational work with students, namely holding Olympiads, Spartakiads, concerts and excursions.

The department operates a laboratory “Formation of the personality of a student – a future doctor”, within the framework of which various meetings of the scientific community are organized and held every year, questionnaires are conducted among students, the latest technologies of media education are implemented, textbooks, methodological manuals, and monographs are published. An international scientific and practical conference on the problems of personality development of the future employee of the health care system is held annually. Collections of conference materials are published based on the results of the conferences. As of 2024, 22 conferences have been held.

Every year, the department holds a competition of essays devoted to topical issues of medicine.

Also, the scientific student society “Genius loci” works at the department.

Defenses of four doctoral theses and six candidate theses took place at the department.

The history of the department of Ukrainian and Latin languages ​​begins in 1992, it was created on the basis of:

  1992-1994 – Department of Sociology (Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Iryna Vasilievna Vasilievna);

  1992-1995 – department of languages ​​(head of the department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Yulia Oleksiivna Tomina);

  1993-1995 – department of economics (head of the department, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Hryhoriy Ivanovich Havrylenko);

  1992-1995 – Department of Physical Education (Head of Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Makarenya).

  1996-2006 – department of social and humanitarian disciplines (head of the department, doctor of philosophy, professor Viktor Ivanovich Pervak).

2007 – 2020, Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Socio-Humanities (Head of Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tamara Viktorivna Kirik).

In 2020, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Socio-Humanities was reorganized into the Department of Ukrainian and Latin Languages, which is still headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kirik Tamara Viktorivna.

Since 1992, the following disciplines have been taught at the department:

  • Ukrainian language for professional direction
  • Ukrainian as a foreign language
  • Ukrainian language as a foreign language for professional purposes
  • Latin
  • Latin language and medical terminology
  • English by professional direction
  • German as a professional language
  • French as a professional
  • Philosophy
  • History of Ukraine
  • History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture
  • History of medicine
  • History of religious studies
  • Medical jurisprudence
  • Basics of pedagogy and psychology
  • Basics of economics
  • Politology
  • Physical Education

Elective courses (selective educational components):

  • Culture of mental work
  • Communication culture
  • Professionally oriented media education
  • Introduction to the theory of scientific research
  • Ethics
  • Aesthetics
  • Linguistics
  • Deontology.

Employees of the department (1992-2024 years):

Babaevska T.G., Bezotosny M.T., Bykova K.S., Bogolyubova M.M., Blokhina O.O., Burkat O.P., Burmaka N.P., Bukhanova O.V., Vasilieva I .V., Vergunova G.S., Veselovskyi S.S., Veselovska O.O., Viktorova L.V., Vykhor V.G., Havrylenko G.I., Gordienko A.M., Zabolotnia R., Zolotarenko N.P., Davydenko N.V., Debich M.A., Dudyk I.M., Kirik T.V., Kirik M.A., Korotun O.O., Korsak K.V., Kochan K .E., Knodel L.V., Kravchuk G.I., Lavrova I.I., Lyalina O.O., Lushchenko T.L., Makarenya, Myronova Zh.G., Mykhailiuk H.M., Mykhailiuk M. .I., Movchan O.M., Mulyar G.V., Nelovkina-Bernal O.A., Overchenko I.A., Onkovich G.V., Osnach O.M., Pavlovsky E.A., Pervak ​​V .I., Pilyppenko S.P., Pismenna, Redko-Shpak L.V., Rybalko H.M., Rykhlik L.P., Sklyarova L.O., Tomina Yu.O., Totskyi O.O., Uvarkina O.V., Ulishchenko A.B., Flegontova N.M., Chernov V.E., Chertkova O., Shanin Yu.V., Shevchenko, Shevchuk I.K., Yurchenko O.V., Yarantseva O.I.

Since 2000, the department has annually held international scientific conferences in the direction of “Formation of the personality of students of future healthcare workers”.

Since 2013 – international scientific conferences have been dedicated to the memory of the first President of Kyiv Medical University, Honored Doctor of Ukraine Valery Volodymyrovych Pokanevich.

Since 2006, the laboratory “Formation of the personality of the student – the future doctor” has been operating at the department, within the framework of which various gatherings of the scientific community are organized and held every year, questionnaires are conducted among students, the latest technologies of media education are implemented, textbooks, methodological manuals, and monographs are published.

Since 2007, the scientific student society “Genius loci” has been working at the department.

Head of the Department
Tamara Kiryk
Contact information
Adress:Room №210, 2, Boryspilska Street, Kyiv
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