ПОДІЇ | Всі Події
White Coat Ceremony of the Kyiv Medical University Polish CampusToday marks a significant milestone in the journey of our 1st-year students as future healthcare professionals. Our university is proud to bring together students from different backgrounds and countries. This diversity is our strength, enriching our academic community and fostering an environment of collaboration, understanding, and mutual respect. KMU efforts in Poland are part of our ongoing humanitarian mission “UKRAINIAN MEDICAL EDUCATION UNDER FIRE: HEALTHCARE IN DANGER”. The relocation of Kyiv Medical University to Poland represents a significant step as it establishes the first Ukrainian university within the European Union. This achievement underscores the resilience and dedication of the KMU team, while also reflecting Ukraine’s broader aspirations to integrate into the European educational and economic spheres. The humanitarian mission undertaken by KMU has had immense social impact, creating work placements for hundreds of Ukrainians who were forced to migrate due to ongoing russian aggression. This initiative has given these individuals a sense of purpose and stability during these turbulent times. The White Coat Ceremony was graced by a big friend and partner of our University, the Chairman of the Association of City Hospitals of the Silesia Region, Vladyslaw Perhaliuk. His presence is symbolic as this association joins 26 hospitals in Silesia, where our students will eventually undergo clinical practice, gaining invaluable hands-on experience in the field. Welcome to the Kyiv Medical University Polish Campus, and congratulations to all the students for reaching this significant moment. 28.09.2024
ПОДІЇ | Всі Події
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