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The first tournament for international students – “HORLIVSKA PREMIER LEAGUE 2021”

For the first time, Kyiv Medical University is holding its first cricket tournament “HORLIVSKA PREMIER LEAGUE 2021” for our international students!

This event will take place on September 11-12, 2021 and is dedicated to both 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence and 30th anniversary of the University.

The purpose of the cricket tournament is to implement the concept of competitive sports and show that the main stimulus for participation in sports competitions is the joy of victory over oneself and the sense of unity that arises as a result of joint sports efforts.

Our tournament will have two stages:
Stage 1: group stage, where each team will play with each other and form a standings.
Stage 2: playoffs, where the results of the group stage will determine the winner of our first tournament.

To register, contact the tournament coordinator – Shah Rukh Ansari (+38 (066) 869-65-35) or Oleh Melnyk (+38 (093) 115-80-82).

Don’t forget to subscribe to our social media pages and follow the news.



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