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KMU President meets H.E Dr.Albert Kitcher, Honourary Counsellor of Ghana in Ukraine.

In February this year, KMU President, Dr. Alexander Pokanevich met with Ghana’s Honorary Counsellor to Ukraine, H.E Dr. Albert Kitcher in Kiev. The visit was to allow H.E to familiarize himself with the university staff and also to visit some of the diagnostic centers and research institutes of KMU.
The Ghanaian diplomat commended KMU for starting the English medium tuition in medicine and said it will offer the chance for many students especially from Ghana to further their education in Ukraine. Dr.Kitcher appealed to the KMU authorities to continue to ensure that students always get the best treatment in and out of the classroom. He mentioned that Ghana is grateful to Ukraine for the chance and opportunity given her citizens.
The President of KMU on his part commended Ghanaian students for their discipline and handwork. He announced plans to increase the number of seats in the university to accommodate many foreign students since the number of applicants are increasing each year. He further stated that students who graduate from KMU are able to work in the US, UK, Germany and other developed countries as a result of the quality of tuition provided.
Currently there are over 20 students from Ghana studying in KMU with the majority in Preparatory faculty getting ready to enter first year. The medium of their tuition shall be in English.

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