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Excursion “Welcome to Kyiv”

What? – Excursion “Welcome to Kyiv” from Kyiv Medical University together with our graduate and “guide in white gloves” – Maxim Derbenev!
When? – April 3rd at 14:00

This tour is the first step for an acquaintance with Kyiv.

During two hours we will see and hear how Kyiv began, flourished, collapsed and rebuilt like a phoenix from the ashes.
And we will start where Kyiv began – from the Golden Gate, learn their secrets, why Yaroslav the Wise – five-armed, and where to make a wish come true.
Why was Yaroslaviv Val Street called Basement? Where did prominent doctors of Kyiv live? Where is the First Kyiv Ambulance Hospital located?
All this will be told to us by the Courtyards of Kyiv, and also about the outstanding artists of the city, about the courtyard with real crows, where the youth of the capital gathers.

And Sofia Square will acquaint us with its thousand-year history and point to the road through the fabulous landscape alley to the Palace of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Russia.

All this and even more awaits you on our tour.

Excursion is free for students of Kyiv Medical University!

Hurry up, because the number of participants is limited!

Language of the tour – English

To book a place, be sure to fill out the Google form!
For details, information, contact the event coordinator Oleh (+380931158082 or o.melnyk@kmu.edu.ua)

ПОДІЇ | Всі Події
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