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We invite you to “Tumors of Bones and Soft Tissues of the Extremities” online lecture held by oncologist Victor Kostiuk

Dear students, interns and teachers!

Kyiv Medical University, which exists for 30 years by now, has already educated many doctors of modern Ukraine. We invite you to meet one of them!

Take part in the “Tumors of the Bones and Soft Tissues of Extremities” online lecture with Victor Kostiuk, a leading oncologist at the National Cancer Institute, and one of the graduates of Kyiv Medical University (2008).

The first part of the meeting will be devoted to the topic of him becoming a young doctor and building his career.

(Reference: Victor Kostiuk, PhD, researcher, oncology surgeon, orthopedist-traumatologist, national representative of young Ukrainian oncology surgeons from USSO in ESSO Young Surgeons and Alumni Club (EYSAC). Dr. Kostiuk is the author of numerous (over 60) publications in Ukrainian and foreign publications, 7 patents that are related to the treatment of limbs in tumors, replacement of joints and large bone defects, features of body biomechanics.)

The online lecture will take place on November 19, 2021 at 18:00 and will be told in English.

Follow the link to register.

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