Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Drug Technology
Graduated from Kursk State Medical University (Faculty of Pharmacy) in 1986 and completed postgraduate studies at the same university. In 1992 defended PhD thesis on “Technology and and bioavailability of niflolide suppositories”. Professional experience: 1992 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs at Kursk Medical University; 1992 – 2002 – Lecturer in Pharmacology at the Chornobyl Medical School; 2002 – 2015 – Associate Professor of the Department of Organisation and Economics of Pharmacy, Bogomolets National Medical University and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy; 2015 – 2017 – Head of the Department of Organisation and Economics of Pharmacy, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; 2017 – 2018 – Deputy Head of the Department of Quality Management, Standardisation and Safety of Drugs at Kyiv International University; 2018 – 2021 – Head of the Department of Quality Management, Standardisation and Safety of Drugs at Kyiv International University; 2021 – 2022 – Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Clinical Pharmacy, Drug Technology at Kyiv Medical University; From July 2022 to the present – Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Drug Technology at Kyiv Medical University. Publications: Author of more than 100 published works, including: textbooks and teaching manuals, articles, abstracts, guidelines, lecture courses, workshops for practical, classroom and individual work, patents and copyrights. A co-author of 10 textbooks and a course of lectures “Management of personnel of pharmaceutical organisations”, 2 patents for utility model, a series of methodological guidelines and developments. Butko L. A. constantly improves her scientific, theoretical and methodological level and has completed the following internships: November 2018 – March 2019 – internship (full-time and distance form) under the programme “Professional Development and Pedagogical Excellence of Higher Education Teacher” at the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University (Nowy Sącz – Poland). November 2019 – December 2019 – advanced qualification training (internship) in the field of “Methods of teaching specialised disciplines” at Kyiv International University. October 2019 – April 2020 – advanced training courses for academic and teaching staff of the University under the educational programme of professional development at Kyiv International University. December 2021 – January 2022 – participant of the III International Training Programme for Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions, as well as Pedagogical and Scientific Staff “Nobel Course: New Knowledge, Ideas, Experience, Values, Competences”. Received an International Educational Grant from the International Historical Biographical Institute, was awarded the qualification of “International Leader of Category B in Education and Science, according to the UNESCO classification”. 2021 – advanced training at the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy in the field of “Organisation and management of pharmacy”. 2022 – confirmed highest qualification category in the field of “Organisation and management of pharmacy”. September – October 2023 – scientific and pedagogical internship under the programme “New and innovative teaching methods” at the Krakow University of Economics (Poland). October 2023 – participant of the international conference “International medical cooperation between Ukraine and Poland: WIN-WIN technologies” in Katowice (Poland). By the decision of the Attestation Commission of the Department of Education and Science, was awarded the qualification pedagogical category “Specialist of the highest category”. Obtained a certificate of mastery of the programme “English as a foreign language” programme at the B2 level. Membership in professional associations: member of the Pharmaceutical Chamber of Ukraine of Ukraine, member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.
The staff of the department includes ten research and teaching staff and one laboratory assistant. Among the teachers: two doctors of Pharmacy, four PhDs, five assistants. • Butko Liubov Anatoliivna – Head of the Department, PhD of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor • Rudenko Volodymyr Vasyliovych – Professor of the Department, Doctor of Pharmacy • Kuzmenko Ivan Yosypovych – Professor of the Department, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences • Torkhova Tamara Viktorivna – Associate Professor, PhD of Pharmaceutical Sciences, responsible for educational work at the department • Yunger Vitalii Ivanovych – Associate Professor of the Department, PhD in Medicine • Vorsovskyi Oleksii Leonidovych – Assistant of the Department, PhD in Economics • Deminska Hanna – Assistant of the Department • Makarenko Alla Oleksandrivna – Assistant of the Department • Kister Liudmyla Anatoliivna – Assistant of the Department • Serdunich Yulia Ivanivna – Assistant of the Department • Liuta Nataliia Ivanivna – Senior Laboratory Assistant
Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the 1st-6th years of full-time and part-time study acquire professional knowledge at the department. In accordance with the educational and professional programme “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” the following disciplines are taught at the department: – COMPULSORY COMPONENTS (CC): 1. professional training cycle: • ethics and deontology in pharmacy • life safety: basics of bioethics and biosafety • introduction to pharmacy • technology of drugs • pharmaceutical law and regulations • pharmaceutical management and marketing • organisation and economics of pharmacy • pharmaceutical and medical merchandising • occupational health and safety in the industry 2. practical training cycle: • industrial pharmaceutical practice (incl:) in drug technology in pharmaceutical management and marketing on the organisation and economics of pharmacy – ELECTIVE COMPONENTS (EC): 3. cycle of fundamental and professional training: • career management • technology of extemporaneous medicinal products • basics of consumer behaviour in pharmacy • psychology of communication • entrepreneurship in healthcare • processes and devices of pharmaceutical production • social interaction: pharmacist-physician-patient • career planning • administrative management • logistics in pharmacy • intellectual property • practice in drug technology • pharmacoeconomics • pharmacoeconomic analysis as a tool for making management decisions in healthcare • quality assurance systems in pharmacy • good practices in pharmacy • social pharmacy • social function of pharmaceutical activity • pharmaceutical biotechnology • biotechnological processes in the production of medicines • international marketing in pharmacy • pharmaceutical care and responsible self-medication. The department provides training for pharmacists-interns in the speciality “Pharmacy” with the following courses: • management and economics of pharmacy • pharmaceutical technology • social and communicative interaction in pharmacy. The department trains postgraduate students in the educational and scientific programme “Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy” of the higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
The department has created methodological materials for teaching all disciplines in two languages (Ukrainian and English). Professors of the department are working on the creation of methodological and educational manuals, methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work of full-time and part-time students. We are constantly working to update the database of test tasks for the disciplines included in the Krok-2 and Krok-3 licensing exams, as well as the question papers for semester exams, tests and final attestation. The department is a graduating department and is responsible for conducting a practical comprehensive examination in the disciplines of Drug Technology, Management and Economics of Pharmacy. The department is constantly improving the educational process, the latest teaching methods are used (trainings, games, video cases). The professors of the department have created and are constantly updating multimedia support for lectures in all disciplines taught.
The scientific activity of the department is carried out in two directions within the framework of R&D: 1) Development of a model of pharmaceutical competencies in the treatment of type I and II diabetes in terms of reforming the health care system in Ukraine (supervisor – Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Clinical Pharmacy, Drug Technology, MD, Professor P. Sereda; terms of GDR implementation: beginning of 01.05.2019, end of 31.12.2023). According to the research plan in 2019, a literature search and comparative analysis of clusters of pharmaceutical competencies in the treatment of diabetes was conducted according to international studies in terms of a new vision of the role of pharmaceuticals in the pharmaceutical system of patients with this pathology. The urgency of this problem for Ukraine is due to the fact that today in the country there is no screening for the incidence of diabetes (DM), not formed a lifestyle management system for patients with this disease, their rights not protected, no scientifically sound analysis of medical efficiency care and pharmaceutical services. In 2020, a study was conducted on the role of the professional electronic portfolio of pharmacists in the system of continuing pharmaceutical education and lifelong development, the results of the study were published in scientific articles and abstracts were published at conferences. The mechanisms of formation of Soft skills of pharmacists are investigated, new pedagogical technologies developed at the department at realization of the educational program for pharmacists are presented. In 2019, the department received a Patent of Ukraine for a useful model “Phytomedicine with hepatoprotective activity” (authors: Gurtovenko IO, Konovalova OY, Sereda P., Seredynska NM), №7099 from 25.06. 2019; received a Patent of Ukraine for a useful model Diabetic drug with hypoglycemic action “Topikul” (authors P. Sereda, Y. Tsymbalista), №7084 from 25.06.2019. Conferences, congresses and congresses attended by teachers of the department in 2019-2020
The department conducts scientific work with students, the results of which are presented in term papers in four disciplines (organization and economics in pharmacy, pharmaceutical management and marketing, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care, drug technology) and in more than 40 theses; students take part in competitions of student scientific works, report on results of researches at the international conferences and congresses, traditionally annually students take part in the International medical congress of students and young scientists in Ternopil (Ukraine).
Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Drug Technology dates back to 2003. Profile pharmaceutical disciplines at that time were taught at the department of pharmacy with courses in pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs, organization and economy of pharmacy. Since July 21, 2003, as a result of reorganization of this Department, two separate divisions were created: Department of Drug Technology, which was headed by candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor Iryna Oleksiivna Tkachuk (Brubaker) and Department of Pharmacy Organization and Economics, which was headed by candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Kukhar. Later (in 2005), as a result of the merger of these two Departments, a new Department of Drug Technology and Organization and Economy of Pharmacy was created under the leadership of Ph.D., associate professor Brubaker I.O. Subsequently, in 2008-2013, the mentioned department was headed by Professor Mykola Semenovych Ponomarenko – a well-known specialist in the field of pharmacy, an honored worker of the pharmacy of Ukraine, a doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, an academician of the International Academy of Informatization at the United Nations. In 2014, Department of Drug Technology, Organization and Economics of Pharmacy was reorganized by including it in Department of Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, headed by doctor of medical sciences, professor Tumanov Viktor Andriyovych. In March 2019, the department was renamed to the Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Clinical Pharmacy, Drug Technology, whose competence included teaching a complex of general pharmaceutical disciplines, clinical pharmacy, drug technology. The head of the department is Professor Sereda Petro Ivanovych, Doctor of Medical Sciences. From September 2021, Department will be headed by Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Rudenko Volodymyr Vasylovych. Since February 2022, the department has the name “Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Drug Technology” in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council and order of the university.
Head of the Department
![]() Butko Liubov
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