Clinical Residency

Rules of clinical residency admission at Private Higher Educational Establishment “Kyiv Medical University” Clinical residency is a part of a multilevel structure of continuing professional education for physicians in higher medical and research institutions. Its aim is to improve the skills of the specialist. Completion of clinical residency training is considered to be quite prestigious today and gives you an opportunity to get a better position, to continue your postgraduate studies and to develop your doctor’s career.

Citizens of Ukraine are accepted for clinical residency training according to the results of the contest. An applicant must hold a title of doctor-specialist and have at least three years of practical experience in a respective specialty after conclusion of internship training or specialization. Previously attained medical specialty must correspond to the specialty of clinical residency. In some cases, non-practitioners who have successfully completed the internship and are recommended by the Academic Council of the higher education institution to enter clinical residency may participate in the contest.




In 2019 comleted the full course of Odessa National Medical University
Obtained qualification: specialist Degree
Program Subject Area: General Medicine
Professional qualification: Doctor of Medicine
Place of birth: Lagos
Nationality: Nigerian
Clinical Residency specialization Obstetrics and Gynecology
Aim – Depth study of the specialization and to improve the skills



Hasanov Vasif Nadir Oglu was admitted in 2003 to Medical Institute of Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine and in 2011 completed Kyiv Medical University of UAFM and obtained the complete higher education in speciality General Medicine
By the Resolution of the State Examination Commission of June, 23 2011 he is qualified as a Specialist in General Medicine
Place of birth: Republic of Azerbaijan
Nationality: Azerbaijani
Clinical Residency specialization Surgery
Aim – Depth study of the specialization and to improve the skills



In 2020 comleted the full course of Private Higher Educational Establishment “Kyiv Medical University“
Obtained qualification: Educational qualification level Specialist
Program Subject Area: General Medicine
Professional qualification: Doctor of Medicine
Place of birth: Jizzakh Region
Nationality: Uzbek
Clinical Residency specialization Anesthesiology
Aim – Depth study of the specialization and to improve the skills



In 2020 comleted the full course of Private Higher Educational Establishment “Kyiv Medical University“
Obtained qualification: Educational qualification level Specialist
Program Subject Area: General Medicine
Professional qualification: Doctor of Medicine
Place of birth: The Republic of Tajikistan
Nationality: Tajik
Clinical Residency specialization Infectious Diseases
Aim – Depth study of the specialization and to improve the skills



In 2019 completed the full course of The Private Higher Educational Institution of the International Academy of Ecology and Medicine obtained qualification
Educational qualification level: Specialist
Program Subject Area: General medicine
Professional qualification: Doctor
Place of birth: Manaus
Nationality: Brazilian
Clinical Residency specialization Internal Diseases
Aim – Depth study of the specialization and to improve the skills



In 2019 comleted the full course of Private Higher Educational Establishment “Kyiv Medical University“
Obtained qualification: Educational qualification level Specialist
Program Subject Area: General Medicine
Professional qualification: Doctor of Medicine
Place of birth: Tashkent
Nationality: Uzbek
Clinical Residency specialization Internal Diseases
Aim – Depth study of the specialization and to improve the skills



People that wish to enter clinical residency training must submit an application to the Rector of the University, to which they should also add:
– personally filled personnel records sheet with a photo certified at the main place of work;
– copy of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine (pages where records are present)
– copy of the identification code
– copy of military identity card
– copy of higher education diploma with supplement
– copy of the doctor-specialist certificate
– copy or extract from the employment record
– list of printed works, inventions, innovative proposals, etc.
– certificate on health state
– characteristics from the working place
– 1 photo
– excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the higher education institution with the recommendation for doctor-intern to enter clinical residency studies (for persons without the required length of service as a doctor in a respective specialty)

Reception of documents: May 25 – June 25

Training starts on September 1st

Duration of study in clinical residency is 2 years

1. Doctors wishing to enter clinical residency training shall submit an application to the Rector of the University, to which shall be added:

1) Copies of the passport (foreigners must submit notarized copies translated into Ukrainian) – 2

2) Сopy of the identification number

3) Personnel records leaflet

4) Copy of the higher medical education diploma with the supplement (persons who have received relevant education abroad must submit a copy of diploma with nostrification)

5) Copy of the doctor-specialist certificate in a particular medical specialty

6) Excerpt from the minutes of the Academic Council meeting of higher education institution or an institution of postgraduate education with the recommendation for doctor-intern to enter clinical residency training (for persons who enter clinical residency without the required work experience in a relevant medical field)

7) Excerpt from the employment record (certified by the Human Resources Department at the previous place of work)

8) List of published scientific works, inventions (if available)

9) 2 3×4 cm sized photos

10) Medical certificate on the state of health (form 086 – О)

11) Copy of the military identity card for persons subject to military service (except cases stipulated by the law)

2. Persons entering a clinical residency training without required work experience in particular medical specialty must additionally provide an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the higher education institution with a recommendation for clinical residency training admission

3. Documents for admission to clinical residency must be submitted each year from May 25 to June 25

4. Documents shall be accepted by the Head of Postgraduate Studies, Clinical Residency and Science of the University



Tetyana Gorokhovskaya
Scientific Secretaty, Ph.D, Associate Professor

Boryspilska Street, 2, office №411
+ 38 (066) 490-09-55

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